Page 77 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 77

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                        SENIOR RESOURCES

           Assisted Living Locators

             YOUR LOCAL SENIOR LIVING ADVISOR                                TM

                  aving difficulty with        #4: What kind of funding do you     not done.  We will be there the day
                  activities of daily living?    have available for your move?  If   you move in.  We will come back
           HHaving medical issues that         you need help finding money that    to see you after 1 week, 1 month, 2
           are impairing your day? Needing     you have, we can often help with    months, and 3 months.  We want
           assistance with completing activities   this.  Are you a veteran who served   to make sure that you are happy in
           such as cooking, cleaning, and      during a war?  If so, you are eligible   the place that you are living, and
           managing bill?.  Assisted Living    for Veterans Aid and Attendance.    you are getting what you need.  Our
           may be exactly what you are         This could mean $1000 - $2000 per   service is unmatched.
           looking for.                        month that you can use for Assisted
                                               Living.  And … we can help you get
           Assisted Living Locators is your    this at no cost to you.                   Contact Brad Hodge at
           resource.  We will sit down with you                                             (806) 310-4007 or
           to determine many things.           Assisted Living Locators completely
                                               takes the pain out of finding
           #1: We find out what your medical   Assisted Living.  If you try to do this
           needs are.  We need to know what    on your own, you will be trying to     care-advisor/lubbock-amarillo
           precisely you will need assistance   find out what the places offer, how
           with.  If you do not have medical   much they cost, and potentially if
           needs and do not need assistance    they have
           with any activities of daily living,   had any State
           you may be able to move into        of Texas
           Independent Living.  Independent    violations
           Living communities generally cost   in the recent
           much less than Assisted Living      past.  This
           communities, but you still get all   will be
           your meals cooked, some cleaning    difficult to
           done, and some of your laundry      find out.  But
                                               … we know
           #2: We find out about your social   all these
           desires.  Do you like to visit with   things.  You
           a lot of people?  Do you like to    do not have
           always have something to do?  If so,   to dig to find
           a larger community may be a good    them.  You
           fit for you.  On the other hand, if   just sit down
           you like to be by yourself and like   and talk with
           things a bit quieter – a smaller in-  us, and we
           home property may be just what the   will help you
           doctor ordered.                     find out these
                                               things and
           #3: Where do you want to live?  Is   more.
           there a specific section of town that
           you would like to live in?  Would   When you
           you potentially like to move to a   choose a
           small community instead of being    place, our
           directly in town?  We can help.     service is

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