Page 41 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 41

Marine corps
                                                                                                  Korean War

                                                                  from all branches of the service awaiting court-martial.
                                                                  I went to Nagasaki to see the atomic bomb devastation.
                                                                  There was very little left there, even six years later.
                                                                  We headed back home to the U.S. on a transport ship.
                                                                  There were 45 of us Marine guards, and we had 45

                                                                   Kincaid Roofing

                                                                       Proudly Salutes

            when they fired that off! I was near the fantail of the   our Veterans
            ship, and I would watch with my binoculars when
            planes would come in for a landing. One guy still
            had a bomb under his wing and when he dropped
            his hook to hit the wire (to slow them to a stop), the
            bomb came off and started rolling across the deck.
            Two Navy guys grabbed the bomb and pitched it
            over the side. They received a medal for that later.
            We had a lot of planes coming in that were shot up.
            Another guy hit the wire, and it ripped his tail-hook
            right off. His plane slipped over the side. He didn’t

            Don’s time was cut short on the Bon Homme Richard.
            “I was only in Korea for 30 days when I fell and
            twisted my left knee, and it began to swell up. I was
            sent back to the naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan to
            recover for two weeks. After I got better, I was put on
            guard duty at the Naval Base, watching the bad guys

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