Page 37 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 37

SENIOR RESOURCES                                                         SENIOR RESOURCESSENIOR RESOURCES

            The Seven Words


                                                                by: Tim Tivis      “Me on File” is a state-of-the-art,
                                                                                   online membership that not only
              was talking with a friend not    grief and stress when unexpected    allows you to securely record,
              long ago who was dealing         events occur. While everyone        update, store and share your
           I with some important family        would agree unconditionally that    information and documents, but
           issues. During a conversation with   planning and informing our loved   also provides you a step-by-step
           his mom, he told her, “Mom, if      ones is of priceless value, many    guide to make the process simple
           anything ever happens to you, I     find themselves saying, “I would    from beginning to end.  To learn
           would not know where to start!”     not know where to start!”  Here are   more about becoming a member of
                                               some tips to get you going:         the “Me on File” family, go to www.
           Let’s face it, none of us get up in the                       
           morning expecting to deal with an   • Organize your information into an
           “unexpected” situation on behalf of   easily accessible format for both you   The investment of time spent in
           someone we love. Yet, all too often,   and your loved ones.             preparing and informing your
           families are faced with addressing                                      family, to the point they never have
           issues that require careful thought   • Inform your loved ones: Write a   to say those seven dreaded words,
           and instructions in the midst of    family letter detailing where your   is worth so much more than it costs;
           great difficulty.  However, just like   information is located, along with   it simply cannot be emphasized
           my friend, rather than having a plan   your specific wishes and requests.  enough. I know. I lived it.
           forward, they are forced to say these
           seven painful words: ”I would not   • Make sure
           know where to start!”               you have
                                               your “docs
           My father-in-law was tragically     in a row”. It
           killed in an automobile accident at   is critical that
           the age of 57. Fortunately for our   you have all
           family, he had prepared a three-    your legal
           ring binder that had everything     documents,
           we needed to start the process      such as a
           of moving forward. We did not       will, power
           experience the stress of searching   of attorney
           for information; we were not forced   and others,
           to make decisions on top of dealing   all executed
           with the grief. The gift he provided   and updated
           our family is still being felt almost   to insure they
           28 years later!                     represent
                                               your wishes
           A widow going through a journal     and no one
           her husband had prepared            else’s.
           discovered a $250,000 life insurance
           policy that she was unaware of.     To help you
           While something like that can’t     and your
           replace the loss of a loved one, it can   family, I have
           be a great resource to start the new   created a
           life that awaits.                   tool to assist
           These are just a couple of examples   with these
           of how planning ahead can           life changing
           eliminate an incredible amount of   steps.

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