Page 38 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 38
Amos Leland Hastings
A Lifetime of Service
by Mabry Payne
17, after which he several months of charming (yet
enlisted in the United failing) attempts, Amos won
States Air Force. her over, and they fell in love.
Kay and Amos were married on
Amos did his basic October 9, 1965, and they had
training at Lackland two children, Wendy and Amos
Air Force Base in San Hastings III.
Antonio, Texas, then
went directly into Amos served in the United
service in Dayton, States Air Force for 30 years; his
Ohio. Amos made favorite part about serving was
plenty of friends the travel. He traveled all over
during his time in the the United States, did three tours
Air Force, but one in Germany, and was stationed
that stuck out to him in Thailand during the Vietnam
was his roommate, War. He was grateful for the
Chuck. They lived opportunity to serve overseas
together for the first because he gained a wider
two and a half years perspective of other cultures
of their service, and and the way they live life. There
they grew very close. are so many places to see and
Chuck left the Air people to learn about, and Amos
mos Leland Hastings Force when his four took every chance he could to
was born December 3, years were complete, but Amos experience something new.
A1943, in Clairemont, continued to serve for several One of the hardest things about
New Hampshire. His mother was more years. Not only did Amos serving, Amos said, was having
the kind of mother many kids meet plenty of friends during his to get along with people he may
dream about. She stayed home service, but he also met his lovely not have liked or respected.
with Amos and his two younger wife, Kay. He learned how to interact
sisters, Patricia and Terri, and Kay was a with those in
worked hard to nurture and pretty, young authority, even if
provide them with the best girl of German it was not always
home life possible. Their father descent from easy.
was a foreman, and his efforts Chicago who After 30 years
provided for the family and kept worked in the of active duty
them together. They were a very same building in Military
close-knit family, and they went as Amos. He Personnel in
on many adventures together described her as being very the US Air Force, Amos Leland
as the children grew up. When mature for her age, as well Hastings retired with the
Amos was in the 4th grade, the as sweet, kind, and loving to rank of Chief Master Sergeant
family moved to Charlestown, everyone she met. It did take E-9. Members of this rank are
NH, where they lived in the some convincing for Kay to agree expected to set the highest
country. Amos graduated from to go out with him, but after standards of personal integrity,
Charlestown High at the age of
38 Lubbock Senior Link