Page 39 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 39

air force
                                                                                              VieTnaM War

                                                               When Amos was asked how he wanted people
                                                               to remember him, his answer was no surprise; he
                                                               wanted to be remembered for his honesty, integrity,
                                                               and diligence to be the best at anything he undertook.
                                                               He worked hard, provided for those he loved,
                                                               and never gave up when things were difficult. His
           loyalty, leadership, dedication and devotion to
           duty, including upholding Air Force policies,       dedication and long-standing service to this country
           traditions, and standards. Amos is an amazing       (and to his fellow veterans) truly proves these
           example of all these qualities, and he served his   qualities. Amos is a patriot through and through; he
           country well during those 30 years.                 fought hard for America and the freedoms in this
                                                               country, and his wish is for the younger generations
           Although Amos deserved a quiet retirement and a     to always remember the true history of America
           time of rest, he could not sit still for long. He had   and the importance of the Constitution. Thanks
           always been a hard worker, and it was difficult to be   to the bravery of men like Amos Hastings, we can
           idle. He worked a variety of jobs after his retirement,   enjoy lives full of opportunity and freedom. We are
           including clerking at a motel, selling insurance,   endlessly thankful for your service!
           and working as a customer service rep for a
           printing company. However, the job he loved the
           most was as representative for Tricare Beneficiary
           Services, a military health benefits program. And
           for the last seven years, Amos has served his fellow
           veterans in Lubbock’s VFW Post 2466, currently as
           Quartermaster. According to Commander Benny
           Guerrero, “He has been the most dedicated member
           of the VFW that we have. Two awards have been
           established in his honor: The Amos Hastings ($400)
                                          Upgrade Award
                                          for dedication
                                          and service
                                          and the $1000
                                          Amos Hastings
                                          awarded to a
                                          student who
                                          writes a winning
                                          essay about
                                          Amos is the
                                          most honest,
                                          and ethical
                                          individual you’ll
                                          ever meet.”

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