Page 34 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 34

Charles Baldwin                         A Pilot, a Poet, and

                                                               a Pleasure

                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                             brick being laid    Japanese while deployed in the
                                                             on the streets      Philippines. Instead, he and his
                                                             of Brownfield.      unit sailed to Scotland aboard
                                                             When the store      the refitted British luxury liner,
                                                             closed in 1929      the RMS Aquitania. “I was seasick
                                                             because of the      the whole way.” The squadron
                                                             Depression,         met up with their unit in Belgium
                                                             Charles’ dad        and soon began flying missions
                                                             and grandfather     to assist in the Battle of the Bulge
                                                             opened a            – the largest and bloodiest single
                                                             Baldwin’s           battle fought by the U.S. in World
                                                             clothing store      War II.
                                                             in Artesia NM.
                                                             That’s where        Later, the P47s were moved to
                                                             Charles and his     a base near Aachen, Germany.
                                                             sister grew up.     As the Allies advanced, the
                                                                                 strategy was to get the fighters
                                                             He graduated        closer, so their trips would be
                                                             from Artesia        shorter. “By that time, the battle
                                                             High School         line was moving fast,” so they
                                                             in 1939 and         moved again to an airstrip near
            “Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth and   attended UNM      Koblenz. On April 21, 1945, the
            danced the skies on laughter silvered wings …;”   for two years.     unit made their final move to the
                                                             He enlisted in      large German airbase at Kassel
                                                             CPT (Civil Pilot    and continued air assaults until
                 he line from the famous                     Training) in the    the German capitulation. In all,
                 poem by John Magee, Jr.       Air Corps Reserves and later      the fighter pilot had flown 52
            Tis a favorite of Charles          joined the Army Air Corps as      missions.
            Baldwin, and On Laughter-          an aviation cadet. He was called   The area around Kassel was
            Silvered Wings is the title of     up to active duty in 1943. After   wooded and mountainous.
            a book he penned about his         basic training at Sheppard Field   During their time off, Charles
            experiences as a fighter pilot in   in Wichita Falls, he was sent    and his buddies were able to
            the European Theater in WWII.      to the University of Wichita,
                                               Kansas, then to SAAC Field in
            Just a few months from now, Mr.    San Antonio. His flight training
            Baldwin will celebrate his 100th   continued at Vernon TX, Garden
            birthday. The gentleman is a       City KS, Victoria TX, Richmond
            history buff and has experienced   VA, and finally, Wilmington NC
            firsthand so many of the events    where he trained on P47s. (The
            the rest of us have only read      P-47 Thunderbolt’s primary
            about.                             armament was eight .50-caliber
                                               machine guns, and it could also
            Charles’ dad worked for a          be equipped with rockets or
            chain of dry goods stores and      bombs.)
            moved his family to Brownfield
            shortly after Charles was born     He had hoped to be sent to the
            in Clarendon in January 1922.      Pacific because so many of his
            He still remembers watching the    Artesia buddies (25-30) had
                                               been killed or captured by the

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