Page 29 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 29

Benny Guerrero                         The Passionate                     Marine corps


                                                                by Jane Bromley

                                                              In 6th grade,        how my career will be?’ and he
                                                              Benny saw            said, ‘Yes, if you can't control
                                                              news footage of      your attitude.’ I went home that
                                                              then-President       day, read the Bible, and promised
                                                              Reagan saluting      God I would change.”
                                                              a Marine after
                                                              he had survived      1st Deployment: Panama – “to
                                                              an assassination     get Manuel Noriega. I was 20
                                                              attempt. “My life    years old and excited to finally
                                                              changed,” Benny      be going on my first mission. We
                                                              said. That’s when    landed in Panama and secured
                                                              he decided to        Howard Air Force Base. Then,
                                                              become a Marine.     just before we got to Noriega’s
                                                                                   palace, we were told to abort.
                                                              By then, Benny       Finally, on Dec. 19, we got our
                                                              had developed        orders to go in at midnight. We
                                                              a reputation as      took the Bridge of the Americas,
                                                              a “protector”.       and I thought, ‘This is real, but
                                                              Even the teachers    I also faced a moral dilemma. I
                                                              relied on him to     found myself identifying with
                                                              defend students      the Panamanians. I didn't feel
                                                              who were being       like an American, even though
                                                              bullied. The rep     I was a Marine. I didn't want to
                   he mission statement of the   continued through his time        kill people who looked like me.’
                   VFW includes advocating      at O.L. Slaton, Alderson, and      Then I heard over the speaker,
              Ton behalf of veterans,           Matthews Jr. Highs. At Lubbock     ‘Marine down.’ Everything
              ensuring that they are respected   High School, he discovered        changed. I became an American
              for their service and recognized   that he “may not have been        that day because a Marine
              for their sacrifices. West Texas   the smartest student, but I had   brother was down.”
              veterans could have no better     respect, even from the teachers.”
              representative than their current   He graduated in 1987 and         The night of Dec. 23 was
              Commander Benny Guerrero. In      immediately joined the Marine      expected to be a bloody battle.
              fact, it’s hard to imagine anyone   Corps.                           “The chaplain had us write
              more passionate about that                                           letters home because we might
              mission than Benny.               He thrived in boot camp. Benny     not make it, but we improvised,
                                                had endured so much hardship       adapted and overcame. On
              He grew up in Lubbock, but life   in his first 18 years that the     Dec. 24, we were pulled off the
              was tough as his single mom       Marine Corps didn’t have much      front line. During a combat
              struggled to provide. Benny       they could use to “break” him.     patrol, I heard a distress signal
              attended ten different elementary   “Everything I'd gone through in   from a distant patrol who was
              schools. He remembers being       my life had prepared me for my     surrounded by the enemy.
              told that he’d “never amount to   future. Nothing fazed me.”         Against orders to stay behind,
              anything” – at least until Mrs.                                      I left with three trucks and 12
              Storey, his 3rd grade teacher at   Benny's first duty station was at   Marines to support the distant
              Hunt Elementary, told him, “You   Camp Lejeune, NC. He trained       patrol; safety was not my
              are somebody.” She planted a      and trained and trained. “They     concern.” Using his Spanish
              seed that still produces tears in   sent me to so many schools, I was   fluency and backed by superior
              the career warrior.               one of the most trained Marines    fire-power, he convinced the
                                                around. I asked a gunny, ‘Is this

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