Page 25 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 25

and then worked at Santa Fe Railroad in Lubbock.  I
             took a test for the U.S. Post Office (veterans received
             preference points for the exam) and was a Parcel Post
             carrier for 17 years and then a Postal Supervisor.  I
             worked 40 years total at the Lubbock Post Office.”
             Wilford and Vera had two children: a son Don and a
             daughter Marilyn.

             Once again reminiscing about WWII, Wilford sadly
             recalled, “I lost my best buddy who was also my
             best man at our wedding.  His name was Tommy
             Vague.  His B-24 was shot down during a bombing
             run over Ploiesti, Romania.” The centenarian is proud
             of his service in the Army Air Corps in WWII and
             remembers those brave pilots of the “Mighty Eighth”
             and all the other heroes who paid the ultimate price
             for our freedom.

                                                 Thank you for making a difference.

                                                 Making a difference requires sacrifice, commitment
                                                 and integrity. At ALLIANCE, we share the same values.

                                                 As a not-for-profit financial coop, with roots serving
                                                 Reese Air Force base, we are committed to making a difference
                                                 in the lives of our members and the communities we serve.

                                                 To those who served and sacrificed, we salute you.

                                                                                  Each account insured up to $500,000.
                                                                                  By members’ choice, this institution is not federally insured.

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