Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 27


             by German Field Marshall Albert Kesselring. Running   Infantry!  A
             horizontally across Italy, it was the last major line   while later,
             of defense during the German’s fighting retreat in   I began
             Northern Italy.                                     visiting and
             Donop said, “We were on the move to the Apennines.   with the
             Climbing higher into the mountains, we saw frozen   German
             German soldiers on the side of the trail. Many      troops
             times, German machine gun fire hit the ground in    and found
             front of us. You could see the sparks and dirt fly up   out that
             everywhere. Artillery shells, both ours and theirs,   they were
             were flying overhead and exploding day and night.   a lot like
             Trying to dig a fox hole in a crater was like trying to   us. They
             dig through concrete.                               had been
             “On two different occasions, German soldiers threw   just as we
             potato mashers (hand grenades) in my foxhole.       were. Many of them did not like Hitler or the war. We
             Fortunately, they did not go off. They were made by   shared photos of each other’s families.”
             Polish prisoners, who often would not put fuses in
             them so they wouldn’t explode. I wouldn’t be here to   With numerous small towns being liberated and
             tell the story if they did.”                        thousands of German units capitulating, a surrender
                                                                 was signed at the Royal Palace of Caserta on April
             The fighting continued into April 1945 when the     28th. By the end of the war, the 34th had endured the
             34th Infantry was part of the final assault (Operation   longest combat tour of duty in WWII Europe with
             Grapeshot) on the Germans in Northern Italy. They   over 500 days. They fought in five campaigns and
             finally broke through into the Po Valley on April   suffered 16,421 casualties. The unit was awarded 11
             14th and began cutting off escape routes into Austria   Medals of Honor and 15,000 Purple Hearts.
             and Switzerland.  As the Germans’ supplies ran out,
                                                their 75th       Nolan stayed in Italy as part of the Army of
                                                Army Corps       Occupation. They sometimes lived in pup tents and
                                                (Wehrmacht),     sometimes in converted buildings – in towns like
                                                consisting of    Ivrea, Saluzzo, and Tarvisio.  “We got two different
                                                approximately    trips to Switzerland where I learned to ski. I made
                                                40,000 men,      many trips to Austria where I enjoyed speaking
                                                surrendered      German. We finally shipped out of Leghorn in June of
                                                to the 34th      1946. For 20 months, I had been overseas.”  Corporal
                                                Infantry         Donop was discharged at Fort Sam Houston on July
                                                near Milan.      3, 1946.  “Mom and Dad picked me up, and we went
                                                In a twist of    home to the ranch.”
                                                irony, Nolan
                                                said, “The       A pretty, local girl named Helen Luckenbach (the
                                                34th German      town Luckenbach was named after her Uncle
                                                Infantry (part   Albert) spotted Nolan through the bank window
                                                of the 75th      where she worked and told a  girlfriend that she
                                                Army Corps)      was “going to marry that tall, handsome cowboy.”
                                                surrendered to   Nolan and Helen married on August 22, 1948.  In
                                                the 34th U.S.    1953, they opened the Donop Feed Store which was

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