Page 26 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 26

Nolan Donop                        Fighting the Fatherland

                                                               in Italy

                                                               by Larry Williams

                                                           When Nolan            then boarded a British ship and
                                                           graduated in May      followed the North African
                                                           1942, the U.S.        coastline to Southern Italy. When
                                                           was at war on         we docked, I met up with four
                                                           two fronts, the       guys who had graduated from
                                                           Pacific against       Mason High School with me. I
                                                           the Japanese and      wasn’t there long when I was
                                                           Europe against        put on another ship and sent to
                                                           the Germans and       Leghorn (Livorno), Italy.”
                                                           Fascist Italy. Donop
                                                           recalled, “There      Upon arrival in Livorno, Nolan
                                                           were 35 of us boys    said, “It was cold and raining.
                                                           in that class; all of   I volunteered to be a cook even
                                                           us served during      though I didn’t know anything
                                                           the war, and all      about cooking. Four of us cooked
                                                           returned home         for 400 – 1200 guys who went
                                                           safely. Until May     through the chow line every
                                                           1944, I was able to   day for breakfast, lunch, and
                                                           work on the family    dinner. We worked 24 hours on
                                                           ranch. At that time,   and 24 off. I still have several
                                                           I was drafted into    of the recipes including the one
                                                           the Army and sent     for pancakes*. I was also able to
                                                           to Camp Hood          visit places like Rome, Florence
                                                           near Killeen.         and Pisa, but eventually, I was
                                                                                 assigned to the 34th Infantry
                                                           “After training, I    Division, called the Red Bull.
                                                           had a 10-day leave
                                                           that I spent at       “I was transferred to a frontline
                                                           home. Meanwhile,      position south of Bologna in the
                   rowing up in a German-                  the guys in my        northern Apennine Mountains.
                                                                                 There were still a lot of Germans
                   speaking household,         unit had shipped out to Ft.
            GNolan Otto Donop didn’t           Meade, Maryland for overseas      in Northern Italy. We were on
                                                                                 patrol every night. I carried a
            realize how valuable German        deployment. By the time I         BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle)
            fluency would eventually be,       arrived, I couldn’t find my unit   and 50 pounds of equipment.
            maybe even life-saving. He         – the guys had already shipped    We had several encounters
            was born in 1924 on a ranch in     out! I was finally put on a Liberty   with German outposts. I would
            Mason County, Texas, to Edwin      Ship in October 1944 with about   often get close enough to hear
            and Hulda Donop. His great         300 guys as part of a large       the German soldiers talking in
            grandfather, from Detmold,         armada of 127 ships heading for   the distance.” Donop’s fluent
            Germany, settled in the area in    Europe. We were on the water      German came in handy during
            1851. “We raised hogs and beef.    close to 30 days zig-zagging      those patrols. “We spent several
            We never went without food,        across the Atlantic to avoid the   months outdoors on the move,
            even during the worst days of      enemy. As we went by the Rock     living in self-dug foxholes. I
            the Depression.” He played left    of Gibraltar, the ships scattered in   don’t know how we survived
            end for the Mason High School      every direction.                  that.”  Nolan was in the area that
            football team. “We usually won     Our ship finally docked in the    became known as the “Gothic
            every game.”
                                               African Mediterranean. We         Line” and then the “Green Line”

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