Page 10 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021- Online Magazine
P. 10



                                  VETERANS & FAMILIES!

          The new Lubbock VA Super Clinic

          is Now Open to serve you!

          by Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Gary Harber

              he Lubbock VA Clinic project   their director, Andrew
              began in 2009 with the         Welch.
         Tgathering of supporters for
         the development and support for     As General Mittemeyer
         Veterans of West Texas and eastern   stated: “This new Veterans
         New Mexico, to provide better       Medical Facility is
         facilities to serve them and their   something that we all can
         families and to honor their service.   be proud of, knowing that
         The VA Health Care Committee        our Veterans are taken
         consisted of the General Officer    care of in this new facility        •  Podiatry
         Committee, led by Lieutenant General   without having to drive to many   •  Orthopedics
         Bernhard Mittemeyer, Major General   other areas to obtain support.” From
         Edgar Murphy, Major General         groundbreaking to ribbon cutting,   •  Dental Health
         Walter Huffman, Major General       construction took only 19 months    •  Day Surgery, to begin before the
         Annette Sobel                                                             end of 2021
         and Brigadier                                      The Ribbon Cutting
         General Gary G.                                    Ceremony was         •  Telehealth
         Harber.                                            held on 25 May       •  Special Care Services
                                                            2021.  The new
         The city of                                        VA Clinic consists   •  Chaplain Service
         Lubbock, Texas                                     of approximately     The administrative support areas,
         Tech University                                    120,916 square       which are crucial for Veterans
         and the Health                                     feet of space,       and their families, are a great
         Sciences Center                                    nearly four times    improvement over the old clinic and
         were early                                         the space of the     will help individuals determine their
         supporters of                                      previous Lubbock     eligibility and benefits. The various
         the project, as                                    Clinic on Ave. Q.    Veteran support agencies, such as
         well as Veteran organizations, such   Approximately 30,000 square feet of   the Disabled American Veterans
         as the Veterans of Foreign Wars,    that is space dedicated for treating   (DAV), American Legion, VFW, Texas
         American Legion, Disabled American   traumatic brain injuries and Post   Veterans Commission and many
         Veterans, and other Veteran service   Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).   volunteers, are also there to help
         organizations and supporters. So    The available services for Veterans   when needed. An online Veterans
         many others have been instrumental   include:                           Portal is available at www.myhealth.
         in making the VA Lubbock Super      •  Primary Care           
         Clinic a reality. The Groundbreaking
         Ceremony was held on 24 April 2019   •  Surgical care                   The Veteran Canteen Service (VCS)
         and, after years of work by the VA   •  Eye Care                        is now open for veterans and their
         Rural Health Committee and because   •  Radiology                       families to enjoy coffee, sandwiches
         of the tremendous support from the                                      and drinks, making visits more
         city of Lubbock, Lubbock County,    •  Physical Medicine                enjoyable. And Cannon AFB is
         state and federal officials, families,   •  Physical Therapy            planning to open a branch BX/PX for
         and private citizens, construction                                      the new clinic in Lubbock.
         began. The new clinic is a part of the   •  Rehabilitation
         Amarillo Veterans Administration    •  Mental Health Care               At the ribbon-cutting ceremony,
         Health Care System which has been                                       U.S. Congressman Jodey Arrington
         instrumental since we first met with   •  Dermatology                   expressed so very well the feelings

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