Page 48 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 48



          Where Texas

          Pride Runs Deep

           by D’Ann M. McGuire                                                   Jim Bowles and his horse Mignon

            “Now, in this area of cattle ranches stretching far and wide
            Was a rancher named Jim Bowles, with neighbors on each side.
            He heard about a shortcut that was coming through his way
            And thought a town along the track might be possible one day.”

               hese were the words that     inland from coastal ports.  The
               came to me one night as      railroads filled that need, but even   Picnic at the Shallowater Schoolhouse June 26,
         TI began hoping to write a         with the cross-country stretch of    1913 celebrating the arrival of the Railroad
         book that recorded the history of   tracks in the 1890s, trains literally
         Shallowater for young generations   went north and then west – around
         to learn from and for older        the Texas Panhandle.  The Santa Fe
         generations to cherish.  I gathered   Railroad Company finally laid a
         information from several sources,   line from east Texas to the central
         including a museum journal written   town of Coleman, Texas.  The goal
         by Don Casey, which provided       was to cut across Texas toward
         wonderful details.                 Clovis, New Mexico.

         A few of my friends who were       By 1909, serious plans were made,    Owner Kinsey Young in front of his
         children during the early days of   and several men were anxious for    gas station (c. 1950)
         Shallowater shared photographs     the track to go through their land.
         and took me on a tour of present-  Monroe G. Abernathy wanted to
         day locations to point out where   raise the funds for a track to be laid
         the early buildings had been.  The   from Lubbock to Plainview.  He
         Texas Tech Southwest Collections   tried to secure deeds and money
         Library was another informative    for the project but could not gather
         stop.  One very interesting place   it all by the railroad company’s
         where I found information was in   November 1909 deadline. G.W.
         a building that the late Woodward   Littlefield owned the Yellow House
         sisters, Elliene and Dana, of      Ranch and wanted the railway
         Shallowater, had built.  It is a   to come through his land.  He
         replica of the first little schoolhouse,   offered the Santa Fe Company a   Judge W. D. Crump with one of his
         and they had stored newspapers,    sum lower than they wanted, but      granddaughters. (He was one of the eleven
         notes and photographs inside       they accepted his offer and started   founders and, in 1936, was thought to be the
                                                                                 oldest librarian in Texas at the age of 91.)
         that gave me several pieces of     platting the area for the tracks.
         information and more names to                                         He first approached his friend
         contact.  I completed my project in   The tracks would have a switch   and neighbor, Bob Crump.  They
         2013 for the 100th anniversary of   for the trains, going in opposite   decided to meet with the man
         Shallowater.                       directions, to pass.  One of the   who owned the land next to them,
                                            switches was near the land J.C.
         The open plains of the United States   “Jim” Bowles owned, and he was   where the majority of their townsite
         began to develop as passengers,    very interested in starting a town   dream would be located. They
         goods and parcels needed to move   to bring commerce to the area.     purchased that land and invited

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