Page 44 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 44



           A Conversation

                                            with the

           by Gayle (Wampler) Willson, BC-HIS

               aHonda and RD McCallister     remained until about ten
               have been long time           years ago.
         Lresidents of Acuff.  LaHonda
         and Roy Dale married in 1953        Socialization in Acuff
         after graduating from Roosevelt     centered around the
         High School, which was a school     churches and school.
         consolidation of Canyon, Acuff      Roosevelt offered
         and McClung. RD’s father passed     basketball and summer
         away with a heart attack when RD    baseball, but not football
         was a freshman at Texas Tech. This   until later.  LaHonda
         tragedy ended RD’s college career,   would go watch RD                  more than one generation with their
         and he began farming to support     play baseball and shell peas while   hearing needs.  In this case, we were
         his mother and sister.  RD was      she enjoyed the games.   In 1967,   able to be of service to LaHonda's
         drafted, but later, they moved back   RD was one of the organizers      mother, Babe Keeler, and now have
         to the family property, living in a   of the Roosevelt Volunteer Fire   the privilege of helping LaHonda
         house next door to RD’s mother.     Department; he has also been a      and RD.  We enjoyed visiting with
         There they began their family.      long-time member of the board of    them about their hometown.
         Since the death of his mother, RD   directors of then Farmers Co-Op
         and LaHonda have lived in the       Compress, being the president for   COVID has forced some separation
         main house.                         many years.  He is still a member   between families and friends, but as
                                             of the SPEC (South Plains Electric   we begin to socialize again, Grand
         Acuff is a small farming community   Co-Op) Board Of Directors.         Hearing would like to remind you
         east of Lubbock and south of        LaHonda was an officer in Young     of some things you can do to help
         Idalou.  When the McCallisters      Homemakers and was also active      people who wear hearing aids,
         were growing up, there were three   in United Methodist Women at        those who need hearing aids, and
         churches: Methodist, Baptist and    Canyon Methodist Church.  The       even those with good hearing.
         Church of Christ.  Every little     UMW ladies continue to have         These are just good communication
         community at that time seemed       an annual bazaar and lunch to       skills.
         to support retail.  Acuff had a     benefit the mission projects in the
         grocery store, a gasoline station,   church.  The McCallisters have     Make the most of your time
         two cotton gins, and a blacksmith   three children, six grandchildren   together with good conversation
         shop.  (Remember the great chicken   and eight great-grands. Their son   habits.  The following tips should
         fried steaks at the ACUFF STEAK     and grandson continue to farm the   be useful in all relationships but
         HOUSE?)  There was also a grocery   family land in Acuff.               are most effective with people
         store in this location, but the                                         who wear hearing aids or those
         grocery store closed, and the café   In our Hearing Care practice, we   with challenged hearing and
                                             often have the opportunity to help   understanding.

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