Page 41 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 41


            to ensuring that                                                                 a "passive" owner.
            every family                                                                     On the contrary,
            has a positive                                                                   I would almost
            and uplifting                                                                    describe him as
            experience as they                                                               "omnipresent,"
            say goodbye to                                                                   personally
            their loved ones.                                                                ensuring that
                                                                                             every family
            However, despite                                                                 receives his “stamp
            the wealth of                                                                    of approval'”
            knowledge and                                                                    regarding the
            years of experience   Santos' early sketch of his idea for a funeral home.       superior level of
            Whit possessed,                   Daring to stray from the familiar,             service for which
            his old-school "this is the way we   old-fashioned, melancholy feel   Lake Ridge Chapel has become
            have always done it" mentality    of generations of funeral homes,   known. "Everything I do, I do for
            created a hindrance for Santos    Santos set his sights on creating   others – in all aspects of my life."
            when wanting to try new things.    something more contemporary,     ~ Santos
            Even as a young man, Santos       something bright and inviting.
            began to visualize innovative     Incorporating natural lighting    Despite his vision having
            ways to create a more meaningful   into the facility's design offered   manifested into something even
            experience for individuals seeking   the warmth, airiness, and charm   more immense than he'd dreamt
            end-of-life services, such as     he was seeking.   Providing       of, complacency is still not an
            catered visitations, dove releases,   an atmosphere in which        option.  He spends countless
            and numerous additional           people could feel at home and     hours ensuring that we are
            complementary services. Because   modernizing old traditions        continuously providing the most
            these things were unheard of at   ultimately led him to create a    innovative and profound ways
            the time and were considered      landmark that is symbolic of life   to honor lives and offer hope in
            "out-of-the-box," Santos          rather than death.                times of need.
            desperately needed a situation
            where he could put these ideas    Years of thought and planning     As consumers, before engaging
            into practical application.       went into the creation of Lake    with a business, we consider
                                              Ridge Chapel and Memorial         many things: the location, the
            He began to research, study, and   Designers. Santos worked         aesthetics, the amenities, the
            conduct cost analysis down to     tirelessly to ensure that every   reviews, and provided offerings;
            the penny on every miniscule      client would experience a new     however, ultimately, it is the
            detail, yet spreadsheet after     level of service and the highest   people who represent the
            spreadsheet only made his dream   standard of excellence when       business who will serve you.
            seem further out of reach.  Aware   the doors opened to the public.   Having been established just over
            that he did not come from a long   He was changing the face of      15 years ago, I feel it is essential
            line of funeral directors, nor was   the funeral industry, from the   to share with our community just
            he born with a silver spoon, he   unique design of the facility     how deeply rooted we are in the
            was undeterred.  Knowing the      and state-of-the-art innovations   West Texas area and how deeply
            odds were stacked against him,    to the organization of our now    invested we are in the families
            Santos decided to make his move   legendary aftercare services.     whom we serve.
            shortly after Whit's death.  With   "Community is everything to
            determination, he pushed past the   me. Families want a sense of    "This chapel and everything
            nay-sayers and broke ground in    belonging and need to feel they   that it represents belongs to our
            April of 2006. "For me, this was   are part of the club!" ~ Santos  community, not to me." ~ Santos
            not a business endeavor… it was                                     Moreno
            the essence of who I am." ~ Santos  Unlike some business owners,
                                              Santos is not what you would call

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