Page 24 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021- Online Magazine
P. 24


            AMHERST, TEXAS

          A SMALL TOWN                                                BIG HEART

                                                           WITH A

           by June Heim                                                                 paving, which still exists,

                                                                                        was a layer of brick from
                                                                                        8th Street to 11th Street on
                mherst, Texas,                                                          Main and was completed
                once known as                                                           in 1930. Streetlights were
          A“The Pick of                                                                 installed, and City Hall
          the Plains & Heart of                                                         was built in 1945. Halsell
          the Irrigation District”,                                                     Land Co. provided
          is located about a mile                                                       buildings for a school in
          off US Hwy 84, about                                                          1923 and paid the teachers’
          half-way between                                                              salaries that year.
          Lubbock, Texas and
          Clovis, New Mexico.                                                           Early in 1924, Amherst
                                                                                        residents organized the
          According to the                                                              first Amherst Independent
          historical marker                  The first permanent building, the   School District. Trustees were
          located near the Amherst City Hall,   Amherst Hotel, was known as the   elected, and bonds for a school
          the town began in 1913 when it     most popular hotel between Clovis   building were voted on. At that
          was a cattle-shipping point on the   and Lubbock. It also housed the   time, it was reported that Amherst
          Pecos & Northern Texas Railroad. It   first general store which opened   had 100 school children and three
          served the 300,000-acre Springlake   in 1923, the Post Office (1924), and   teachers, but when the bonds
          Ranch, which was established in    the First National Bank (1925).    were voted on, 250 children were
          1902 by W. E. “Colonel Bill” Halsell   Unfortunately, the Amherst     expected the following year. A
          and his son, Ewing. According to   Hotel caught fire and burned in    $50,000 bond was considered a
          local tradition, the shipping point   September 1952.  Fortunately, the   reasonable cost for the proposed
          was named for Amherst College,     bank had already moved to a new    new school building. Over the years,
          Massachusetts, alma mater of one of   location. It remained First National   the building has been renovated
          the railway officials.             Bank for many years, until it was   and added onto multiple times,
                                             sold to First State Bank, becoming a
          In 1923, the economy of the High   branch of the Shallowater bank.    and Amherst has been proud of its
          Plains began to switch from                                           school for many generations.
          ranching to farming, so the Halsells   An election to incorporate the   South Plains Hospital, the first
          divided much of their land to      City of Amherst was held January   co-operative hospital in Texas, was
          sell to the influx of new settlers.   19, 1925, and a Waterworks Bond   built in 1940. It, too, was added onto
          Farms could be purchased for $25/  election was held in August that   several times and became one of the
          acre. The Halsells set aside land   year, with a bid of $50,000, by a   most popular hospitals in the area,
          at the railroad depot for a town   company in Oklahoma. It was        with membership fees costing $12 a
          and donated lots for a school and   approved, and the project was     year for a farmer, $18 for a couple,
          churches.                          completed in January 1926. The first

           Amherst ISD, built in 1924                          Amherst ISD, current day.

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