Page 70 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 70



               by Colleen Eppler

               Bereavement/Spiritual Care Coordinator, Kindred Hospice

            I                                 Retiring seniors - what
               can’t wait until I graduate,
                                              is their challenge? Aside
               then I can do what I want!”
               Seniors in high school often   from making sure they
                                              are healthy, and their
            find themselves looking forward   money holds out, one
            to graduation day when they can   might think their biggest
            walk across that stage and receive   challenge would be
            their diploma, never to return    deciding where to go
            again to the grind of homework    eat during Senior’s
            and expectations from parents     Happy Hour.
            and teachers running their lives.
                                              High school graduates
            “I can’t wait until I retire, and   eventually find there’s
            then I can do what I want!”       more to life than making         paintings or lawn equipment for
            People in their 50s and 60s find   money and living “la vida loca”;   perfectly manicured lawns.
            themselves saying this as they get   for those of you who don’t know
            closer to retirement age.  They   Spanish or the singer Ricky      Or do we want to leave our
            can’t wait until that last day of   Martin, this means “living the   legacy in people?  Maybe even
            work, when they get their gold    crazy life”.  They discover that   to those high school graduating
            watch, or bouquet of flowers, take   they need to have purpose,    seniors with wide eyes and
            their 401K and walk out the door,   whether in their work or in a   momentous decisions looming
            never to to punch the clock ever   cause that gives their          ahead of them.  You and I both
            again. They boast that no one     life meaning.                    know they probably won’t take
            will tell them what to do, and    Retiring seniors eventually      our well-seasoned advice right
            they can travel, pursue a hobby   discover that there is yet one   away, but neither did we when
            and be perfectly happy, living a   more graduation for them -      we were their age!
            life of leisure.                  graduating from this life into the   What did we need at their age?
            Sooner or later, both “Seniors”   next.  It’s this “graduation” that   What do we have to give at our
            come to the stark reality that,   causes one to look back and make   age? Love - unconditional, “I
            actually no, they can’t do what   sure that his or her life actually   believe in you, and I will listen
            they want - at least not for very   had meaning.  What will they   to you” kind of love.  This is a
            long. Graduates will eventually   leave upon “graduating”?  Will   legacy worth leaving.  Let’s be
            have to make decisions either     they leave a legacy of Groupons?    purposeful to graduate with love
            to get a job or further training,   Pictures of beautiful places they   and leave love all along
            whether at a university or a trade   were able to visit? A storage   the way.  It’s the only thing
            school.                           house full of bird houses, china   that never fails.

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