Page 73 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 73


          2020-2020                           BRING IT ON!                                               Inspiration

               ed carpets, trumpet     designed to be.  Without a    So, let the celebration begin.
               fanfares and high       doubt, you are one of them.    Pull out all the streamers
         Rsalutes to each of you,      This is your time.  You will   and strike up the band. We,
         our graduating seniors of     have new thoughts, new        as Lubbock senior citizens,
         2020.  The world is awaiting   opportunities, and new       celebrate you.  It is our high
         your arrival as it opens unto   breakthroughs in the days   honor to shine the spotlight on
         you its challenges as well as   ahead.  You are called to   you as you move into this new
         its good treasures.  Go ahead   succeed. You are unrivaled   season in your life.  I believe
         and believe for big things    in skills, service, intuition   2020 will be a most rewarding
         because big things are in store   and passion.  It is a special   year for each of you, as well as
         for you - bigger than you     combination - one that is a   for those of us who carry the
         think - beyond anything you   catalyst for success.  Truly,   banner of senior citizens.
         could imagine - things that   you are unstoppable.  You are   Each of us has much about
         will take you places about    undeniable.  You have been    which to celebrate - much
         which you have only dreamed.    given everything you need to   about which to look forward.
         Suddenly, unexpectedly, out   lead a victorious life.  You have   You may be sure that we will
         of the ordinary, something    great gifts within you that   always be in your balcony,
         wonderful will happen to      haven’t been unwrapped yet.    cheering you on.  You are
         you.  You are being propelled   I’m confident that, as you go   our shining stars, and I am
         forward and positioned for    forward, you will continually   confident that, together,
         greatness.  You are moving    set the pace and raise the    we can keep it going and
         into the greatest days that you   standard.  To think that, out   make it better in 2020 and
         have ever known.              of all the amazing things that   beyond - a new year and a
                                       are in the world, there will   new decade unlike any other.
         In this day and time,         forever be only one incredible   High-fives and a heart full of
         extraordinary, stout-hearted   YOU!  Your life is being woven   congratulations to you!  Bring
         women and men are required    together in marvelous ways,   it on!
         to be all that they were      and we celebrate you.

                               by Carroll Lockett  Vice-President of Coldwell Banker Rick Canup Realtors
                                                  and former Lubbock ISD Teacher and Principal

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