Page 72 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2020- Online Magazine
P. 72


           PRESER VING OUR


            by Kirby Phillips

               he Bayer Museum of             and agriculturists who have devoted   We are open to the public every
               Agriculture is a non-profit    their lives to the industry. Other   Tuesday through Saturday (aside
         Tagriculture heritage and            volunteers are individuals who      from holidays) and are always
         history museum in Lubbock,           want to get more involved in        looking for individuals who would
         Texas. Located in scenic Mackenzie   agriculture and meet people.        like to volunteer.
         Park, this museum highlights the     The museum is a great place
         history of American agriculture and   to do both.                        The museum also has a large
         farming with specific regard to crop                                     membership base with annual
         production on the South Plains.      Our volunteers get the chance to    member events, which all volunteers
                                              give tours and information to our   are invited to and encouraged to
         As the museum is a non-profit run    visitors and in return, learn       attend. If you are looking for a
         by a small staff, our volunteers are                                     volunteer opportunity in a fun and
         a crucial and valuable part of this   about them. We have had visitors   interactive place, please consider the
         museum and its success. Some of      from all 50 states and countless    Bayer Museum of Agriculture. We
         our volunteers are retired farmers   countries across the globe.         would love to have you.

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