Page 57 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 57

payment, and as they drove away,     Caprock Winery purchased those      Bob and Norma proudly display
        Bob asked Norma, “How are we         grapes from them.  Norma said the   pictures of their three grandchildren,
        going to make the payments on that   third year, she made a lot of jelly.  five great- grandchildren and one
        land?”  Norma immediately said,      When asked what they liked most     great-great grandchild in their
 Everything They Needed  successfully selling Kirby vacuum   about each other, Norma quickly   Living, where their legacy of love
                                                                                 cottage at Heartland House Assisted
        “I’ll get a job!” So, Norma began
                                             replied that Bob could fix or build
                                                                                 continues with family and friends
                                             anything, and they saved a lot of   visiting often.  This is a couple, who
        When the land was finally paid off,   money on repairmen.  Bob hesitated   for sixty-eight years, worked hard,
        they began the process of building   a second before answering what      loved freely, created a beautiful
        a house where they would live for    he liked most about Norma, and      family, and left a lasting impression
        the next forty-one years.  They were   then with a smile, he replied,    on those who have been lucky
        having such a hard time hiring the   “Everything!”                       enough to call them “friend.”
        help they needed for construction
        that Bob quit his job and, for
        the next five months, worked
        on finishing their home.  Bob
        was such a good mechanic and
        welder that he could easily
        find another job whenever he

        Over the years, he worked for
        several different car dealerships
        in Lubbock.  Their home in
        Shallowater holds a multitude
        of good memories for Bob and
        Norma.  They loved having
        their grandchildren over;
        the kids would even bring
        their friends with them for
        sleepovers.  All the kids called
        them Mawmaw and Papa and
        would show up at their door
        with sleeping bags, ready to have a
        good time.
                                                             Medicare Supplements
        In 1983, Norma started her own
        food demonstration business.  When
        Bob’s health no longer allowed him                             David B. Lewallen
        to work as a mechanic, he worked                                   independent agent
        with Norma, and they continued
        that business for ten years before                       2815 74th St                  P.O. Box 53957
        retiring.  They stayed busy with                     lubbock, texas 79423            lubbock, texas 79453
        church activities and gardening.                        (806) 792-7510                fax (806) 799-8153
        Bob planted several acres of black-
        eyed peas and then decided to try                    Doing business locally for over 38 years
        growing grapes. For two years,

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