Page 52 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 52


           Lubbock Shuttle                                      afternoon, a      of Lubbock Shuttle.  Mark says it
                                                                different senior
                                                                                  is their way of giving back, and
           United Supermarkets                                  property is       they have received so much joy
                                                                                  from it.  “We’ve become one huge
                                                                taken to the
                                                                closest United    extended family; it’s like we have
                                                                for an hour of    300 grandparents.  The thank you
             Team Up for                                        shopping.  The    cards, flowers, home-baked pies
                                                                Lubbock Shuttle
                                                                                  and cupcakes, the love and stories
                                                                driver stays with
                                                                                  each day are a blessing and far
             Senior Shopper                                     them, assisting   more than we could have ever
                                                                                  imagined we’d get back when we
                                                                them as needed
             Program                                            and loading       started this program,” noted Mark.
                                                                                  “We want to thank all the seniors
                                                                aboard with
                                                                                  into your homes and to be a part of
                                                                the help of the   we currently serve for allowing us
                                                                United staff.     your lives.”
           Nearly three years ago, Lubbock                      Then everyone
           Shuttle was given the distinct     receives fresh baked cookies,       Lubbock Shuttle provides
           privilege of teaming up with       courtesy of the bakery, for their ride   transportation for many
           United Supermarkets to help grow   back.  They are then driven home,   corporations, Texas Tech Sports and
           a senior shopper program.  Mark    and the driver carries their groceries   Academics, concerts, weddings,
           Cunningham, co-owner, says         to their kitchen counters for them.    wine tours, proms and so much
           he was grateful to be given this   “We often get a little info on the   more.
           opportunity, having looked forward   family and are shown a few photos
           to customizing this program to     of the grandchildren on the way out
           include personal services that all   the door,” added Mark.            Call Mark Cunningham at
           local seniors deserve and could                                        806-410-2008 to book your next trip
           depend on.                         Lubbock Shuttle has visited a few   or visit them at
                                              seniors at hospitals and has taken
           Fast forward, what a difference this   them out to eat on occasion. The
           program is today.  Participation   staff has been invited to
           has doubled, and nine senior living   the senior property to
           properties are currently enrolled   join them for their pot-
           in the program.  When asked        luck luncheons, so the
           what contributed to the increased   relationship has grown to
           participation, Mark responded,     be quite reciprocal.
           “When we started this program,
           I recollected the times I took my   This one hour of shopping
           father grocery shopping and how    is so important to many
           much he depended on me, so         seniors that they look
           my goal from the beginning was     forward to it all week.
           to ensure some very basic but      Lubbock Shuttle learned
           important things.  Timeliness was a   that many seniors don’t
           key factor for those who had other   have family nearby and
           appointments to get to.  Ensuring   wanted to do more, so
           the same friendly face was there to   they now offer extended
           greet them each week was another   quarterly trips, at no
           key factor, as seniors are not big   expense, to places like
           on change.”  Mark says he drove    the Apple Butter Festival,
           the first year, then brought his son   Cinemark Movie Theater,
           Jeremy in from Austin to take over   the Windmill Museum
           the program.                       and out to breakfast.
                                              Seniors have also enjoyed
           The way the program works is       the Christmas lights tours
           that, every weekday morning and    each December, courtesy

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