Page 55 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 55

to attend. About two months later,   After some changes in their church,   power to change lives - just like He
        they received a visit from Dr. Robb.   they began attending Lubbock’s    changed their lives. They returned
        He told them of the transforming    Trinity Church. There they became    from their most recent mission trip
        power of Christ and asked if Gary   acquainted with Dave and Judy        to Tanzania, Africa on September
        would like to ask Jesus into his life.   Kern, whose friendship and spiritual   15, 2019, where they and three other
        As a member of the church, Jane     guidance, along with others,         couples held a pastor’s conference
        Ann didn’t think that conversation   continued their maturity in the Lord.   for over 100 pastors.
        applied to her. The next Sunday
        morning, Gary went forward for      Eventually, Gary was appointed a     They are quick to say that their
        salvation. There was an immediate   member of the Missions Board at      50 years of marriage hasn’t been
        difference, and through His love    Trinity, and he and Jane Ann went    all roses and sunshine. Their
        and grace, God began to transform   on some short-term mission trips.    communication has needed to be
        Gary. As Jane Ann saw                                     From those     rebuilt at times along the way. They
        the dramatic change                                       experiences,   also acknowledge that 50 years takes
        in Gary, she realized                                     they knew      a lot of forgiveness, commitment,
        that being a member                                       it was their   and definitely a sense of humor.  But
        of the church wasn’t                                      calling.       they are quick to admit that they
        the same as accepting                                     They joined    could have never made it this far
        Christ as her Savior. A                                   the staff      without the change that happened
        short time later, as Jane                                 of Global      ever so long ago when they accepted
        Ann was driving alone                                     Advance        Jesus Christ into their hearts as their
        in her car, she asked                                     in Dallas      Savior.  He truly redeemed their
        Christ into her life.  In her prayer,   in 1998 and were with that mission   love. And they know He can do the
        she told God, “I’m still not 100 %   organization until 2005. They       same for anyone.
        sure about Jesus, but I do realize my   returned to Lubbock and formed   Their family includes Brant Casey
        life is in a mess, and there is nothing   their own ministry - Gateway   and his wife Sofia, Amanda Hill and
        I can do to make it better.” She    Missions - in 2006 (not associated   her husband Chad, as well as their
        asked Him to come into her heart    with Gateway Church in Dallas).      three grandchildren - Taylor, Averi,
        … and He did. In her words, “At     Since that time, along with ministry   and Connor Hill. To read more
        that exact moment, I could actually   in the United States, they have    about them and their ministry, visit
        feel His love being poured over me,   served in 37 countries on five     their website at
        changing me.”                       continents, spreading the Gospel

        The church didn’t leave these two   of the Lord Jesus Christ and His
        young believers on their own.  Two
        men, Dr. Bill McCauley and Tom
        Capps asked if they could be their
        mentors. Gary and Jane Ann began
        being taught about their new life
        in Christ. Through the scriptures,
        they started to understand better
        their roles as husband and wife and
        how to meet each other’s needs.
        Much of the tension in their home

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