Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 62

Kenneth                        Sandra Meeks

         Reflection on God’s Goodness

          by Sandra Meeks

              all is in the air, and it is a time   pumping to bring the calf out, and
              to reflect on the changes in    Kenneth was knee deep in placenta.
         Four lives as we visualize it        When the calf was finally delivered,
         in nature.  As I reflect on my walk   both the cow and I fell on the
         with Jesus Christ, I recognize His   ground completely exhausted.
         faithfulness and His truths, one
         being that He will never leave us    Ranch life was peaceful and a
         nor forsake us.  He has always been   blessing.  Kenneth was an E & C
         there for us.                        man (went to church on Easter and
                                              Christmas), so I traveled 30 miles
         Kenneth Meeks and I met in high      with the children every Sunday
         school and married at the end of our   to attend church.  Kenneth was
         senior year.  Kenneth was a rancher,   looking for greener pastures, even
         and I was a city girl. When I was    investigating Australia, but the
         introduced to ranch life, I stood in   realtor wrote and said that, if your
         a trough because I was afraid of the   wife is afraid to meet a bear on her   She told me how to accept the Lord,
         chickens.  This quickly changed as,   way to the outhouse, this is not   and my whole world changed as I
         in our first winter, we had a son,   the place for you, so that idea was   saw with new eyes and heard with
         and Kenneth needed help in pulling   quickly discarded. Colorado had to   new ears.
         a calf on a night that was 20 below   suffice as our new adventure.
         zero.  We tucked our young son into                                      Soon after that, Kenneth told me he
         his bassinet by the fire and went to   The people in Colorado do not     wanted what I had, and he accepted
         the barn.  I was on the chain end,   look on Texans favorably, but I was   Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
                                                         excited as, at that time,   We then had a missionary come into
                                                         they were Republicans    our home and teach high school
                                                         and Catholics, so I felt   kids about Jesus.  We had wall-to-
                                                         that I would fit right   wall kids listening to the word of
                                                         in.  In one year, both   God.  I began teaching the Bible in
                                                         our fathers went to      the Catholic church and saw hungry
                                                         be with Jesus, and I     and thirsty teenagers come to know
                                                         began an intentional     Jesus Christ.
                                                         search for God.  I met
                                                         a little Baptist girl who   After several years of being flooded
                                                         wrinkled her nose        out and hailed out, we moved
                                                         when she talked about    back to Texas, the land that I love.
                                                         Jesus; the love of God   After a few years of marvelous
           The Meeks’ children, Mike and Zebbe Dee.                               teaching under Morris Sheats, we
                                                        just exuded from her.
                                                                                  set out as missionaries in Mexico.

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