Page 61 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2019- Online Magazine
P. 61
when B. was away visiting village written books,
churches, they crawled up a wall of devotional
their home to the attic and enjoyed a commentaries, Bible
feast of mice and bats. About to retire course outlines,
for the night, Ruth heard something and submissions to
hitting the floor. Army ants had fallen many faith-based
through the ceiling. Thankfully, a periodicals. B. and
helper arrived quickly to deal with the Ruth love spending
insects. Later, B. had workers stop up time with their eleven
all the holes around their tin roof with grandchildren and
cement. That very night B. and Ruth one great-grandchild.
awoke to bats flying in circles around Yellowstone National
their bedroom! Because the holes had Park is a favorite
been repaired, the bats forced their place to visit, and B. couple deeply loves and admires one
way down through the ceiling. B. and still enjoys the challenge of mountain another. They have dedicated their
Ruth grabbed badminton racquets, hiking. He also continues to write lives to Christ and others, as well
stood in opposite corners of the room, and dabbles in amateur radio and as raised their children to become
and knocked bats out of the air with photography. Ruth loves reading servants of the Lord. “I know Ruth
all their might! and remains a tennis fan, watching loves me, and I love her for being
tournaments on TV at every chance. such a faithful and supportive partner
The Shelburnes made friends from in the ministry we both believe in. If
many countries across the globe. B. and Ruth’s marriage proves that nothing else had gone right in our life,
Ruth became a National Champion opposites do indeed attract. However, this would be enough.”
in doubles tennis and acted in a in the important things, they are
Tom Sawyer play as Aunt Polly. completely of one mind. This godly
However, times of fear and
loneliness occurred, such as when
their 4-year-old son David was
severely burned during a family
outing. They sought immediate Thank you to the folks at Quaker Avenue Church of Christ who
medical attention, carefully but have caught the important vision of honoring people in their
swiftly carrying him down the long
mountainside. Communication was congregation by telling their stories.
difficult during those years - there
were no emails, texts, or FaceTime.
They missed their family terribly.
Correspondence was basically
through letter writing. In all their
nineteen years, Ruth recalls only two
phone calls. Despite their hardships,
B. and Ruth leaned on one another
and on God for support. Daily family
Bible study and prayer time sustained
them. In fact, to this day, B. and Ruth
credit their daily Bible reading and
praying together with keeping their
relationship strong.
Upon their U.S. return in 1980,
B. became president of the South
Houston Bible Institute and has
Lubbock Senior Link 61