Page 80 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 80
Charlie Scarborough
Recycled for a Reason
by Katherine McLamore and Larry A. Williams
Veterans Liasion Co-Chairs
Texas South Plains Honor Flight
line. “Electricity went world!” Charlie’s arrival in
into my hands and out Vietnam couldn’t have been
my feet. I ended up any worse. The North Viet
in the hospital and on Cong were about to start the
crutches for a month largest assault of the Vietnam
after that.” He went on War, attacking over 100 cities
to Texas Tech, where he on January 30, 1968 in what
obtained a degree in Ag was called the Tet Offensive.
Economics in 1967 and Arriving at the base, Charlie
joined the Army soon recalled that “a sheet was
after graduation. put up between our hooches
(improvised living spaces) for
He was born in us to watch a movie. When
Lubbock in 1944 to we were attacked, we were
Henry and Essie B. hit with rockets and mortars.
Scarborough. His You started looking for those
father farmed in sandbags for cover. I had no
Petersburg where he rifle or anything. You learned
“Lord, I can’t do this graduated in 1963. A to run, crawl and hide (during
anymore!” muttered Charlie few years later, he received the attacks), but I didn’t even
Scarborough as he fell face his “greetings” from the Army know where all the bunkers
first in the mud in Vietnam. and was inducted into the were.”
But those words set the scene service on August 24, 1967.
for a life-changing event. “In He broke his foot in Basic In Vietnam, Sgt. Scarborough
an instant, a calm came over Training at Ft. Polk, Louisiana was flown to several LZ’s
me I had never known before. and had to be “recycled”, (Landing Zones) and fire bases
I knew everything was going extending his stay before for his crypto work. “There
to be alright.” His despair active duty. The extra time would be a compromise in our
lifted. Charlie spent one benefitted him as he trained as signals, and I had to deliver
year, a month and two days a wireman in AIT (Advanced new instructions and call signs.
in Vietnam. When he was Individual Training), and I had two flight jackets, one I
discharged in 1969 at Ft. Lewis, he learned to climb poles, wore and one I sat on. I carried
he was “more than ready to go string communications wiring an M-16 and an M-79 grenade
home.” Because of his newly and communicate with launcher. We had sandbags all
softened heart, his life was on cryptography. around our hooch (which was
a different trajectory, but not dug into a hill), artillery, and
without the occasional miracle After landing in Cam Ranh a guard tower. Whenever we
or two to remind him of his Bay, Vietnam in January 1968, played poker, we would never
need for God. he was assigned to the HHB take an I.O.U. Two incidents
Americal Division, Artillery. got my attention. Jumping off
Charles W. Scarborough’s He was put on a bus and taken on one LZ, I looked down and
nickname was “Lightning”, to Chu Lai Air Base. “The was straddling a claymore
a moniker which he acquired buses had screened wire on the mine. Another time, back at
during his senior year of high windows, and we saw G.I.’s our hooch, I awoke one night
school when he accidently filling up sand bags as fast as with a Viet Cong looking at
stuck an aluminum irrigation they could beside the road. me. I reached up and hit him
pipe into a three-phase power I knew I was in a different
80 Lubbock Senior Link