Page 76 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 76
Elroy Carson
Shaped by the Army
by Kiandria Carson
to hard work. the first semester of his
His humble sophomore year in college to
upbringing complete basic training, but
gave him the he eventually finished his
foundation college education.
that the Army
helped build During the time he served, he
upon. was active in the Gulf War.
He was also stationed to help
He met my with the effects of Hurricanes
grandmother, Katrina and Rita. The most
Linda Williams, prominent memory that
in the fall of my Pawpaw can recall was
1972 at a Greek missing his wife, kids and
life meeting, family greatly throughout
while my his service, but he knew that
grandmother his personal desires had to be
was in Dallas set aside for the greater good
completing of the country. The greatest
her teacher challenge that my Pawpaw
training. My faced during his service was
grandmother being an African American
was attending
lroy Carson is a man the University of North in the U.S Army in the 70s,
of many hats and which speaks volumes within
Edefinitely a man of his Texas while my grandfather itself. Being able to fight for
was attending Dallas Baptist
word. Throughout my 17 University. He courted a country that was having a
years, my grandfather has my grandmother for three hard time supporting him
constantly shared his wisdom years before he married her, took real courage and loyalty.
with me; he has taught December 6, 1975. While
me many solutions to life my grandfather was still in
lessons. With his advice and college, the military draft Fortunately for our family, he
direction, I learned that, in was still being used, so one didn’t have to go to Vietnam.
order to obtain the abundance of his basketball coaches My Pawpaw gained valuable
of life, one must acquire took him to the National tools and skills, such as
wisdom. Elroy Carson was Guard Center to register for leadership and discipline,
raised in South Oak Cliff in the Army reserves so that he from his time in the Army.
Dallas, Texas - a preacher’s In the Army, my grandfather
kid who also raised hogs could still continue his college learned what it takes to be
his entire childhood, Elroy education. My grandfather a leader and to live with
was definitely no stranger began his career in the Army integrity - character traits
reserves in 1972. He missed which he still exhibits today
76 Lubbock Senior Link