Page 79 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 79

identified to mitigate the symptoms of   when their handler is out in public
        PTSD.                               settings. The dogs also help to
                                            increase public awareness for what is
        THESE COMMANDS INCLUDE:             otherwise an invisible disability and
                                            become a bridge that helps veterans
                                            re-engage with their families and
        Nightmare interruption: Tugging off a   friends.
        blanket in response to a signal that the
        handler is experiencing a nightmare or   If you know someone who might
        night terror.                       benefit from a service dog, they may
        Anxiety interruption: Initiating    visit for more information and
        interaction with the handler in response   also to begin the application process.
        to a cue that they are experiencing
        anxiety.                            All dogs from Canine Companions
        “Light”: Entering a room ahead of the   are provided free of charge thanks
        handler and turning on the light switch.    to generous donations from multiple
        Distance retrieve: Retrieving a dropped   corporate sponsors, foundations and
        item or item kept in a specific location   individuals, as well as the dedication
        and delivering it to the handler.   of countless volunteers throughout
        “Front”: Positioning body in front of the   the United States.
        “Behind”: Positioning body behind
        the handler and leaning against the
        handler’s legs.
                                               If you would like to know more about how you can be involved or
        These specialized service dogs are     become a volunteer puppy raiser, please visit
        trained to ease anxiety, particularly

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