Page 74 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 74

Luis Daniel DeLuna
                                                                   The Hardest Class Ever

                                                                   by Stephen DeLuna

                                               he knew his strengths and         Navy ship, two contract towers,
                                               weaknesses.  If there was a will,   and one FAA facility later,
                                               he would find a way.  My dad      my dad is now the Air Traffic
                                               often tells me the story of when   Controller Supervisor for the
                                               my grandfather barged into his    FAA here in Lubbock.
                                               room and said, “Go out, and
                                               don’t return home until you have   When my dad tells people that
                                               a job.” He was 12.  My dad got    he is an air traffic controller,
                                               his first job as a paperboy and   their first response is, “Oh, I
                                               was never unemployed after that.    hear that job is stressful.”  True,
                                               At 17, he even managed to work    Dad says, but it is not the kind
                                               two jobs while still in school.    of stress people think of. You
                   avy guys are not well-      He knew he had to work hard.      must know what you are doing
                   prepared coming into        College was not in his future.    and be confident.  There are no
            Nthis course!” That is                                               second chances when controlling
            what my father heard as he         During high school, Dad was       airplanes.  Dad also stresses how
            prepared to take a demanding       involved in Navy ROTC. During     important it is to relax when
            Air Force course that the Navy     his junior year, he went to the   you are not controlling planes.
            was trying to implement.  He       local Navy recruiter who gave     To relax, my Dad picked up a
            wondered, “What does that mean     him a job placement test.  When   hobby while stationed in Spain -
            for me?”  My dad was never         it was returned, my dad was       computers.
            the studious type. He had very     shocked at how well he’d done.    He was fascinated with his first
            little confidence academically.    Amazingly, he scored high         personal computer.  As years
            However, knowing that this         enough to be offered a job as an   went by, he studied, learned,
            was his career, he turned the      Air Traffic Controller.           and experimented with them on
            discouraging comment into one      My dad joined the Navy in         his own.  Eventually, he started
            of the most influential phrases    September 1993.  After a rigorous   taking them apart and rebuilding
            in his whole military career.      boot camp in San Diego, Dad       them.  Soon, family and friends
            From that point on, my dad         was sent to Air Traffic Control   knew that he was the one to go to
            realized the importance of a       training in Millington, Tennessee.    with a computer problem.
            good education.  Even though       He spent five weeks studying air
            his own high school days were      traffic lingo.  It was difficult, but   Eventually, his hobby blurred
            marked by ditching classes or      he knew he had to pass.  After    into his work.  One day, while
            procrastinating on homework,       completing that demanding         stationed aboard the USS Essex,
            my dad taught my sister and me     training, Dad was stationed in    an officer saw his potential and
            that there are no excuses when     NAS Rota, Spain, but before       sent him to a Unix computer
            it comes to learning. Try your     he could work there, he had to    system course called the Theater
            hardest and do your best.  Period.    learn the regulations specific to   Battle Management system.  He

            My father was born Luis Daniel     that airport.  That meant he had   wasn’t nervous - just excited to
                                                                                 learn new skills.
            DeLuna, but everyone calls him     to study and train again.  The
            Danny.  He was born in Los         material was so difficult that    The class was much more
            Angeles and raised in El Paso.     there were times he believed he   complicated than my father
            He had a much harder childhood     wouldn’t make it.  However,       expected it to be. Upon arriving,
            than I did.  He was never really   he was determined, not only       my dad and his friend were told
            good at school.  He received       because that was the career he’d   they were not cut out for the
            little help from his parents.  He   chosen, but also because he had   class. They were told that the last
            struggled to focus on subjects     to show progress so that his      people the Navy sent had failed.
            he wasn’t interested in.  Today,   commander would approve his       Dad didn’t do too well on the
            he believes he would have been     leave and allow him to go back to   first test. However, he didn’t give
            classified as ADHD.  However,      El Paso and marry my mom.  25     up. It was the hardest academic
            while he lacked confidence,        years, three military bases, one   challenge he had ever faced, but

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