Page 11 - Summer 2019 - Lubbock Senior Link Magazine - Online Magazine
P. 11
heaven, and that they will be with Once when Kevin and
him again. Marlin were traveling
together for a bike tour,
Another trial came along when Marlin impressed on
Marlin was diagnosed with a form Kevin the importance
of cancer called Polycythemia, of being an honoring
which he continues to wrestle with husband by praising
today. He formerly owned a bike Carola enthusiastically and
shop in Portales and is a very strong expressing how thankful
endurance road cyclist. Though he he was for her. In the early
has this illness and is in his eighties, years of their marriage,
he continues cycling. Kevin and I they had to put most of
have spent many enjoyable hours their money into building
riding alongside him while he shares the store, and she was
stories from his past. While we are lonely because Marlin
riding, I sometimes ask what Carola spent long hours working
is doing. He often replies, “Oh, she is on the business, yet she
out saving me money, buying things supported him through that They are largely the inspiration for a
on sale.” In 2010, I did my first time. Something Marlin says about book that my son, Kendall, and I are
bike tour with Kevin and Marlin. I Carola is that she is always happy, writing entitled Overcomers, The Word
thought we were going to ride the 25- regardless of circumstances. of Their Testimony, because watching
mile course, but when we got to the people like this couple live out their
turn-off, the two of them looked at Carola loves to sing. During my time lives with faith and courage helped
each other strategically and “missed” on chemo, I would rouse myself me through my difficult season. I
it. Our 25-mile course turned into the to make it to church to be with my hope the stories we tell will help
50-mile course. That day began the church family. I would always look others the same way we have been
process of me eventually finishing over to see if Marlin and Carola were helped.
two century rides. Participating in there because it was so comforting
endurance sports has helped me to see them enthusiastically praising Leslie McCullough is collecting stories
learn to persevere through hardship. God and displaying the joy and from people who have overcome struggles
peace that is always evident on their and hardships, because it can help others
Marlin also shares stories while he faces. who may be going through similar
works on our bikes. These stories trouble. The plan is to compile the
often inadvertently teach us life Carola also loves playing games. stories into a devotional book entitled
lessons. He talks about the work Her enthusiasm makes it such a Overcomers, The Word of Their
ethic he learned from his dad who fun experience that many couples Testimony.
left home at 13 to work to help through the years have enjoyed
support his family, and who also sitting at their
taught him that the way to get table, playing
business for his store was to go out games and being
and be friendly. Another theme mentored in the
Marlin often shares is how he process.
discovered the grace of God through
interacting with people of various I am so thankful
church backgrounds who would that Marlin and
come into his stores. He also talks a Carola choose to
lot about the grounding in the truth share life with
of the Bible that he received in church us. I believe this
as he grew up. is the true heart
of a neighbor.
Lubbock Senior Link 11