Page 76 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 76

Chad                 Renee Gross

       A Soldier and a Song

                                              (1), whom they adopted from India
          by Katherine McLamore               in 2018. Aurora, Colorado is home
                                              base, and they attend Brave Church in
                                              Denver. Chad, age forty-two, is going
                                              through the process of becoming an
               had Gross was born in Dallas
               and raised in Garland, Texas.   HIS FAITH
         CFrom 1995–1999, he attended
         Texas Tech, graduating in 1999 with a   “My Christian faith is the most
         Bachelor of Business Administration   important thing in my life, and my
         and a commission of Second           number one goal in life is to bring   Welby stated, “When Chad was
         Lieutenant, earned after three years of   glory to Jesus Christ. I was raised a   introduced to me, I realized he
         Army ROTC.  Between his sophomore    Christian but strayed from the faith   was a fine, young man interested
         and junior years at Tech, he graduated   after my parents divorced when I   in learning about Jesus. He came
         from the U.S. Army Airborne School   was thirteen. I kept my back turned   to many ‘watermelon & worship’
         and became the student commander     on God until my junior year at Tech   times at our house. I am privileged
         of Army ROTC in his senior year.     when I had a powerful conversion    to know this honorable soldier and
                                              experience with God, alone in my    have tremendous respect for Chad,
         After the Army Aviation Officer      apartment. From that moment, I      his faith, and his dedication to our
         attended flight school, he was       trusted God with my life, yet I still   country.”
         assigned to Blackhawk helicopters.   needed discipleship.” Chad defines
         Subsequently, he spent most of his   discipleship as “being mentored on   Russ Murphy, the college minister at
         time with the First Infantry Division   how to incorporate prayer into daily   Indiana Avenue Baptist Church at that
                                              life, as well as the value of forming   time added, “It was no surprise that
                                              friendships with those who encourage   he became an incredible soldier. Chad
                                              faith and growth.” Chad was drawn   did his very best as a soldier of the
                                              to a thriving college church group   cross and as a soldier in our military.
                                              and met Russ Murphy and Welby       Chad’s desire for excellence inspired
                                              Smith, two men who gently and       me to be more committed to Christ. I
                                              powerfully encouraged Chad into     know I learned more from him than
                                              deep commitment to Christ. Welby    he learned from me. ‘Thank you, Lord,
                                              and Chad immediately developed      for allowing me to share in the life of
                                              a kinship through the military      Chad Gross, truly a man after Your
                                              connection when Welby, a retired    heart.’”
                                              Master Sergeant in the Air Force,
                                              learned of Chad’s involvement       HOW CHAD and RENEE TELL IT
         in Ansbach, Germany. From there, he   in Army ROTC. Recognizing the      “I met my wife, Renee, on a trip to
         deployed twice. The first time was to   newness of Chad’s faith, he took him   Lubbock on December 26, 2000. I
         Kosovo from October 2002-July 2003.   under his wing.  Welby invited the   had just graduated from flight school
         The second was to Tikrit, Iraq from   undergraduate to his house for a hot   at Fort Rucker, Alabama. In Dallas,
         February 2004-February 2005. All in   meal. Listening to Welby pray taught   on leave, I planned to go see Welby
         all, he flew over 75 combat missions in   Chad how to pray in a bold, confident   and LaJuana while in Texas. Renee
         Iraq and earned the Bronze Star Medal   way, seasoned with the humility   was from Dallas and a sophomore at
         and the Air Medal.                   of a spirit that yields to the will of   Stephen F. Austin University. She was
                                              God. He and LaJuana became like     home for the break and wanted to visit
         FAMILY                               grandparents, and they kept in touch   family in Lubbock.  We both showed
         The Chad and Renee Gross family      after he left Tech and joined the Army.   up at the Dallas Love Field Airport
         includes four children: three biological   Chad’s oldest son, Corban, is named   and there discovered the flight was
         sons; Corban (11), Asher (9) and     after his mentor, Corban Welby Gross.  cancelled due to a Texas storm.  Renee
         Micah (6), and one daughter, Harvest                                     and I ended up in line at the ticket

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