Page 72 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2018- Online Magazine
P. 72

Ernie  Sue Davis

         In Their Own

          by Cindy Hardin, Rick Davis    Words

          & Cathy Wright

          Our parents’ love story began in 1957 at McMurry College in Abilene,
          Texas. As all love stories go, they are unique, but theirs is our
          favorite. She was a McMurry Totem Beauty, and he was a handsome
          football and track star . . . and so it began.

         Sue:                                 the cafeteria. I thought she was the   Littlefield.  We moved to Slaton in
         “I was entering McMurry as a         prettiest girl around. She had long   1965, and Sue finished her college
         college freshman from Slaton,        hair and blue eyes, and she always   degree at Texas Tech and went on
         Texas.  Ernie was at McMurry on      seemed happy! I played football     to teach in the Slaton ISD for 30
         a football and track scholarship     with her brother, and when I saw    years. I received my master’s degree
         from Stamford, Texas. He was         them together in the bookstore, I   and retired from teaching/coaching
         a sophomore. My brother, Ezra        jumped at the chance to meet her!   in 1992. We both enjoyed many,
         Corley, who was also at McMurry      After she went to the Library with   many good years in the classroom
         on a football scholarship, introduced   me, I got the courage to ask her for   working with young people. Staying
         us in the college bookstore/post     a movie date. We saw the movie,     connected to education, I became a
         office.  My first thought about Ernie   Moses. I was really trying to impress   teacher evaluator over the state for
         was, ‘Oh, my goodness, he is really   her by my choice of movies!  It    five years.  I also worked at Trinity
         cute!’                               didn’t take me long to fall head over   Church as a counselor for about five
                                              heels in love with her.             years, officially retiring in 2002.”
         “We chatted for a little while; then
         after that, I would see him often in   “We dated all that year and made   She may have met him in the bookstore/
         the school cafeteria.                plans to get married in the summer.   post office, but we always loved to hear
                                              It all came together, and we married   her tell this story:
         It took him about four days to get   August 23, 1957 at the First Baptist
         up the courage to ask me if I would   Church in Slaton. We stayed in     Sue:
         walk with him to the Library to      Abilene, so I could continue school   “Before I knew Ernie, I was on a
         work on a paper. Of course, I said   and play football. Sue worked at    double date with a teammate of his.
         yes!!  After that night, we saw each   a bank and had to postpone her    Ernie came walking out after their
         other almost every day! We both      college for a while.  The next year,   football game in his letter jacket
         attended classes, and                         while in Abilene, we had   and leaned down into the window
         he was busy with                              our first child, our little   of the car where my date and I
         football, and I had a                         girl Cindy.                were sitting. He had dark hair and
         job in the dean’s office,                                                brown eyes.  He said, “So&So (to
         but we managed                                “After graduating from     his teammate), you’re not doing too
         to find time to be                            McMurry, I began a         bad there, (referring to mom, as he
         together!”                                    long coaching/teaching/    wiggled his eyebrows)!’”  She smiles
                                                       principal career. We       big and still lights up when she tells this
         Ernie:                                        had two more children      story!
         “My first recollection                        along the way. Our only
         about meeting Sue                             son, Rick, was born in     We were raised in a Christian home, and
         was seeing her in                             Cisco, and another little   not only did we admire their work ethic,
                                                       girl, Cathy, was born in   but we learned so much from them, not

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