Page 80 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 80
Richard Howard If We Only Knew Then
What We Know Today!
by Gayle Willson
To Our Vets: Thank you for your service so that we
can experience the freedoms we have today in this
country! Our offices salute you!
Kentucky. In January, community activities with clear
he was sent to understanding.
Germany, and Suzi
joined him in May. Noise induced hearing loss
This was not exactly occurs when the nerve cells in
what she had planned our cochlea are permanently
as a young girl for damaged by being over-exposed
beginning married life, to sounds louder than 85 decibels
but nonetheless, it was over a period of time. “Some 1
an adventure for them. billion people worldwide are
The young couple did at risk for hearing loss due to
have a little time off to exposure to loud sounds.” A
see some of Europe, normal conversation is about
but Lt. Howard was a 60dB. This is not damaging, but
Tank Platoon Leader, a motorcycle can reach 100dB
and that was priority. and a power saw ll0dB. Teens
listening to an iPod with ear buds
Lt. Howard suffered expose their hearing nerve to 100
significant hearing decibels or more. Other types
loss, much of it due to of hearing loss are in our genes,
circumstances he faced and heredity plays a big part,
would venture to say that, in while in the military. depending on the generations
every country of the world, The tanks used were M60- before us and how their DNA is
I young girls imagine and 105mm tanks, which produced manifested. Some are more prone
dream, look through magazines loud noises. Other machinery to the loud sounds affecting them
and tear out pictures, so that and training with weapons all than others.
when the day finally arrives and took a toll on his hearing. He
“Mr. Right” pops the question, was issued ear plugs, but these Another factor is the length
she is ready to plan a wedding young soldiers many times took of time a person is exposed to
and a life. Cora Sue was one them as a suggestion rather than louder sounds. Many in the
of these girls, and “Mr. Right” a recommendation. In coming military were exposed to both
was Richard Howard, a 2nd home to civilian life, the well negative factors: loud sudden
Lieutenant in the Army, having motors on the farm added to his noises and constant sounds
4 years of damaged hearing. Mr. over 85dB. Mechanics, pilots,
Texas Tech Howard began wearing infantrymen, those exposed to
ROTC to his hearing aids about 10 chemicals, those around sirens -
credit. Their years ago, after realizing these all experience some degree
wedding day that he was missing out
came one on a lot of conversation
week after his and communication
graduation, with family and friends.
and then With the commitment
they left for to his hearing aids, he
his military is now a part of the
training in family interactions and
Ft. Knox, involved again in his
80 Lubbock Senior Link