Page 76 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 76

Dan & Jeane Law                          Launched by the Army;

                                                               Lifetime in Lubbock

                                                               by Dee Law

                                               They were great friends           when they
                                               throughout high school. Then      get the
                                               she went off to Auburn to get a   call or feel
                                               degree, and Papa went to Alabama   the call
                                               on a football scholarship. One    - people
                                               holiday when both were home,      willing to
                                               the world changed. The next       pull up
                                               thing you know, their whole       stakes and
                                               experience evolved into “How do   go where
                                               we make a life together?” Both    they are
                                               had plenty of relatives who had   told - often
                                               served in the military, as well   with mama
                                               as a good dose of patriotism. (I   and kids,
                                               believe that patriotism is still very   (or papa
                                               much alive today, although rarely   and kids),
                                               acknowledged in mainstream        all for the
                                               media.)                           good of our
                                               Next, they got there “I dos” done
                                               and headed for Fort Jackson, South    Our mom
                                               Carolina for basic training. After a   was made
                  kay, here we go, pen in      few months, they were sent to Fort   perfect and went to be with the
                  hand. The point of this      Riley, Kansas. Mom had finished   Lord four years ago. To be honest,
            Oexercise is to give an            school at Auburn and started      Papa is a little lost without her.
            example of how our military        teaching school in Manhattan,     We are grateful to be the part of
            moves folks all over the world. One   Kansas. At that time, there were a   creation who was made in God’s
            story in a billion is about my mom   lot of college athletes in the service,   image, and therefore, we have it
            and dad.                           so they set up their own sports   within us to heed calls or not. We
                                               leagues on base. (Hall of Fame    thank the Lord for all who have
            My papa is from a dairy farm in    football star and former Texas Tech   ever worn the uniform in the past,
            rural Alabama. My mom is from a    coach) Beattie Feathers who was   now, or in the future. I doubt very
            small town down the road called    leaving the Army to coach asked   many of them ended up where
            Wetumpka. The county school        my dad to visit Lubbock. He did,   they started. It is such a unique
            played out for my dad after four   they stayed, he played, and they   time in most young peoples’ lives,
            years, so he had to start going    made a bunch of friends to share a   when all they have to offer each
            to school in Wetumpka. His last    lifetime with.                    other is what they long to be.
            name was Law and hers was
            Morriss, so they sat next to each   During their time in Lubbock,    (Me? . . . I got to be a West Texan -
            other beginning on day one of fifth   they were fortunate enough to   the fact of which, every time I think
            grade.                             be long-term members of the       of it, I almost break my arm patting
                                               First Baptist Church. Mama        myself on the back. Again - Thank
                                               worked for the WMU - Women’s      you Lord!)
                                               Missionary Union - which supports
                                               missionaries all over the world.
                                               Papa worked for Fields & Co. for
                                               almost 50 years. He coached what
                                               seemed like every Little League
                                               team in sight.
                                               The adventure of military service
                                               has been repeated time and time
                                               again since the beginning of
                                               America. We are so blessed to live
                                               in a country where folks respond

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