Page 72 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 72

Bobby G. Wyett
                                                              Teaching by Example

                                                              by Katherine McLamore and Hugh Wilson

                                              and to his country, developed      on the Honor Flight with his
                                              more fully.  He also learned       son Paul, his favorite site was
                                              commitment to something bigger     the Korean War Memorial. Its
                                              than himself, embracing the        purpose is to recognize each
                                              philosophy of service over self as   person who served and the
                                              he served out his tour.            contribution they made during
                                                                                 that conflict. Mail call (a regular
                                              After active duty, he returned     part of each Honor Flight, in
                                              home to continue teacher           which veterans receive letters
                                              education at SWOSU, while also     from family, friends and others)
                                              serving in the US Army Reserves.   was filled with many expressions
                                              He received a direct commission    of respect and love for Bob Wyett.
                                              in 1961.  Bobby served in various   Words like, “salt of the earth”,
                                              positions of responsibility in     “honest”, “a great role model”,
                                              the Reserves from 1961 until he    and “patriotic” were accurately
                                              retired at the rank of major in    used.
                                                                                 But one description stood out:
                                              He met his wife of 61 years on     “someone who teaches by
                                              her 18th birthday at a drugstore   example”. It is something Bob
                                              in Thomas, Oklahoma. During        does regularly. In fact, he has
                                              their time in SWOSU, they          taken each grandchild with
                obby G. Wyett was born        married and completed their        him, at various times, when he
                in 1934 in Custer City,       educations. His first job was      delivers Meals on Wheels.  At the
            BOklahoma.  After his             as a math teacher in Guymon,       end of one route, a grandchild
            parents divorced when he          Oklahoma.                          looked up at him and said,
            was four years old, he lived                                         “Granddad, it just makes you
            with his mother and, at times,    In 1965, he earned his master’s    feel really good inside to do this,
            with seven different aunts and    degree from Oklahoma State         doesn’t it?”
            uncles.  As a result, he attended   University, enhancing his career
            six different schools prior to    as an educator. His reputation     His extended military experience
            junior high school and before     for instilling strong character    is an important factor in Bob’s
            graduating from Custer High       and good academic skills in his    intentional legacy of love and
            School in 1952.  He learned       students continued to grow.        commitment to God, family, and
            adaptability and appreciation     One highlight of his career in     community. He serves as deacon
            of the good in his life while he   education was the dedication of   and Stephen Minister at Second
            simultaneously learned to let go   the 1974 Lubbock High School      Baptist Church in Lubbock, and
            of disappointments. He spent his   annual in his honor.  He wrapped   has volunteered over the years
            leisure time in sports, camping   up his 33-year career in education   in support of Meals on Wheels,
            and Boy Scouts.                   as an LISD administrator.   After   Family Promise, St. Benedict’s
                                              retirement, he and his wife JoAnn   kitchen, South Plains Food Bank,
            His initial teacher education     completed the goal of playing      and Habitat for Humanity,
            at Southwestern Oklahoma          golf in all 48 contiguous states in   and as a hospice volunteer
            State University (SWOSU) in       the union.                         visiting veterans.  His is a life of
            Weatherford, Oklahoma was                                            optimism, kindness, and wisdom
            interrupted after two years by the   Their family now includes       shared at every opportunity.  He
            military.  He took basic training   three living children and        exemplifies our best veterans.
            at Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Texas,   spouses, six grandchildren,
            then had specialized training in   three grandchildren-in-law        You may contact Bob Wyett
            communications                                 and four great-
            at Ft. Gordon,                                 grandchildren. A
            Georgia.  His                                  special moment
            active duty                                    in Major Wyett’s
            tour was spent                                 life was pinning
            at Schofield                                   the blue braid on
            Barracks, Hawaii,                              grandson Stephen
            where his                                      Wyett’s uniform
            aptitude for doing                             upon completion
            his best, along                                of basic training.
            with his loyalty to
            his fellow soldiers                            When Bob went

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