Page 39 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 39

at a place called Texas Tech   learner!’”  The
                                                University in Lubbock, Texas.    one-year term
                                                Surprisingly, he accepted the job   in 1971 turned   wwii
                                                sight unseen after he was offered   into twenty-
                                                the position of a Lecturer.  When   two years, and
                                                he called his wife upon arrival,   he retired from
                                                she asked, “Are there any trees?”   full-time teaching
                                                It became a family joke for many   in 1993.  He continued teaching a
                                                years.                        class for four more years and worked
                                                                              two more years helping to design an
                                                Marvin finally got his PhD at   architectural, educational course for
                                                age 49 in the spring of 1977.    elementary school. After 41 years of
                                                He said that he was “brought   teaching, Dr. Platten noted that he still
            Marvin went on the 2017 Texas       back to earth when his 9-year-  “missed teaching dearly and the joy I
            South Plains Honor Flight with     old niece exclaimed to her     was deriving from my interaction with
                                               mother, ‘He must be a very slow
            his son Steven as his guardian                                    students.”
            and helped lay a wreath at the                                             Marvin had discovered
            WWII Memorial.                                                             early on that he did have
                                                                                       something. It was not only
                                                                                       the ability to draw but
        all over that country visiting various                                         also to teach others the
        facilities and art departments.                                                value of art, to overcome
                                                                                       obstacles, to give his family
        After three years in Japan, Marvin                                             the priceless gift of living
        decided it was “about time to return                                           abroad, and to serve his
        to the states”.  He wanted to teach                                            country first as a young
        at a university but did not have his                                           man and later for the
        doctorate, so he didn’t think he had a                                         Department of Defense - an
        chance.  He learned about an opening                                           artful journey.

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