Page 34 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 34
Charles J. Hoye Old Newsie:
Serving with a Pen
by Larry A. Williams
newspaper experience, he the harbor and sunk with other
was drafted that night to troops still aboard, destined
do phone interviews with for Africa. His unit was sent to
parents of men who were Thatcham, England, where the
serving at Pearl Harbor. unit lived in “The Hut Camp”,
which consisted of wooden
Inducted on March 13, barracks and metal Nissen Huts
1943, he failed the Army (like a U.S. Quonset hut). Hoye
eye test because of weak and his unit helped supply the
eyes. Wanting to help in massive war effort in Europe
the war effort, he ignored for three years, providing such
rejection and “enlisted on items as a “Bailey bridge built
the spot” for limited service right there in England” to help
because his high school the Allied troops cross the many
English and Bookkeeping rivers in Europe while fighting
studies could prove to be the Germans. He also wrote
valuable eventually. Soon occasionally for the Stars and
after, a train took him to Stripes, the Army’s newspaper.
Ft. Snelling, Minnesota. He remembered that “V-2 rockets
Upon arrival in a blizzard, and the occasional German plane
a burly sergeant shoved would fly over the camp, and one
him off into a snow bank, of the cooks actually shot down
harles J. Hoye can look breaking an ankle and one of their planes.”
back on a long life, well- curtailing much of his basic
Clived. Charlie was born training. Over 300,000 men While in England, Charlie went
on June 14, 1923 in Taunton, and women passed through Ft. to some London dances and
Massachusetts, 40 miles south Snelling after being inducted met Joyce, a “WREN in the
of Boston, to Joseph and Annie. into the armed forces. As part of British Navy who was doing
His father was a butcher, then a the 444th Engineer Base Depot top secret work” and couldn’t
WWI Army soldier and lastly a Company, he went to Ft. McCoy tell Charlie what she actually
U.S. Postal Service employee for in Wisconsin (“bitter cold it was”) did. She “became my three-
48 years, rising to the position of for rifle training. Next, it was on year dance partner.” Although
Assistant Postmaster in Taunton. to Ogden, Utah, where he spent the 444th had a large number
Charlie had two siblings, Paul, eight weeks learning the “Army of war brides, and even though
a sailor and 25-year editor of way” of doing inventory, supply Joyce and Charlie became
Aramco World magazine, and and bookkeeping. close, he “was engaged to
Margery, a radio singer and future wife Loretta back home
registered nurse. He was a 1941 The 444th shipped out of New in Taunton.” He said Loretta
high school York Harbor on a converted “didn’t like him in high school,
graduate, a cruise ship and headed but he was persistent.” Joyce,
correspondent for for England via Scotland. who no doubt secretly hoped
the Taunton Daily Charlie noted that “they she might be Charlie’s bride
Gazette and a gas had destroyer escorts, and and go to Taunton with him,
station attendant several German U-boats traveled to Southampton when
before WWII. were spotted on the way he sailed home. Waving at him
On Pearl Harbor over.” After landing in while crying dockside, she gave
Day, and because Scotland, that cruise ship a wrapped package to a British
of his part-time was torpedoed outside seaman and had him deliver it to
34 Lubbock Senior Link