Page 36 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 36

Lamar Jones                       The Merchant and


                                                               by Katherine McLamore and Larry A. Williams

                                               he try the Merchant Marines.      sea as the post war effort began.
                                               During peacetime, the Mariners    This was an important port to the
                                               (they were not Marines)           Germans during WWII and the
                                               carried imports and exports.      Americans afterward.  While on
                                               However, during WWII, the         shore, Lamar couldn’t help but
                                               U.S. Government determined        notice the “total devastation of
                                               the cargo and destinations,       the town and the haunted look of
                                               contracted with private           fear on the local residents’ faces.”
                                               companies and put guns and        He saw the results of war, and it
                                               Navy personnel on board.  After   stays with him still.
                                               signing up for the Merchant
                                               Marines in Kansas City, Lamar     After a trip to the Caribbean, it
                                               reported to basic training in     was back to Galveston where he
                                               Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn,       was discharged after two years
                                               New York.  The U.S. Maritime      of service. He headed back to
                                               Service Training Station, which   Plainview and began working
                                               opened on September 1, 1942       in his father’s mercantile stores
                                               and closed on Feb 28, 1954, was   again.  He met his wife of 66
                                               the largest maritime training     years, Bettye, on a blind date
                                               station during WWII and could     where they “went to a Texas Tech
                                               train up to 30,000 merchant       football game and then to the HI-
               t seems that Lamar Jones was    seamen each year.  He was         D-HO, where I always ordered
               destined to be a merchant       supposed to attend a 13-week      a lot of food.”  Always a heavy
            Iin more ways than he ever         radio school on Gallups Island    eater, Jones recalled that “my
            realized.  Born to W.A. and        in the Boston Harbor, but the     mother said that when I married
            Dorothy Jones in Bokchito,         program was cut after 12 weeks,   Bettye, she gained a daughter
            Oklahoma, Lamar’s father was       so it was back to Sheepshead Bay   and lost a grocery bill.”  Lamar
            a merchant who owned a dry         for a time.                       and Bettye had four daughters.
            goods store in the small town                                        Lamar bought the Vogue Dress
            of Odell, Texas before moving      Lamar’s first voyage was on the   Shop in Lubbock in 1954 and
            to Plainview in 1930 during        auxiliary patrol vessel, Aloma    owned it for 50 years.  His wife
            the Depression.  Lamar said        Hills, in December 1945.  In May   ran another shop on 34th St. for
            he “started working in his         of 1946, Jones also served on a   17 years.  All four girls worked
            dad’s stores when he was 12 or     coastal tugboat up and down       at the shops growing up, and
            13 years old.”  He graduated       the eastern seaboard.  His next   Lamar noted with pride that “all
            from Plainview High School in      voyage was “as a Junior 3rd       the girls graduated from Texas
            1944 where he “played football     Engineer on                                 Tech.”  Lamar and
            and was a good student.”  He       the tanker SS                               Bettye were active
            attended Texas A&M for two         Elk Basin in                                in their community,
            semesters.  Many young men and     July 1946 from                              church, and volunteer
            women were still signing up to     Baytown to                                  service organizations.
            serve their country during WWII,   England, which                              Bettye, the love of his
            and Lamar wanted to do his part.   then crossed                                life, passed away in
            He was also inspired by his older   the Dutch                                  November 2016.
            brother who was serving as a       Netherlands
            Navy pilot.                        on a very small                             Still active, Lamar is
                                               canal, where it                             an avid bridge player,
            Lamar tried to sign up to be a     looked like you                             playing three times
            commissioned officer in both       were sailing on                             a week at various
            the Air Force and the Navy,        land.”   They                               locations in Lubbock.
            but both had closed their          docked at                                   He even played
            enrollment by the time he          Danzig by the                               tennis until he was
            applied.  It was suggested that                                                87 years old.  While

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