Page 122 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 122

Buzz McMillan
                                                              Cooking Under Fire

                                                              by Larry A. Williams

                                                       with “incoming and        The 2nd Infantry, whose
                                                       outgoing artillery        history can be traced back
                                                       shells.” Buzz             to the Civil War, arrived in
                                                       recalled that “the 1st    Pusan, Korea in July 1950.
                                                       Sergeant was killed       They happened to be the first
                                                       by a shell fragment       unit shipped directly from
                                                       from Allied               the U.S.
                                                       artillery.”  Even the
                                                       task of feeding the
                                                       troops was often
                                                       under extreme

                                                       Buzz was born in
                                                       Rockwood, Texas
                                                       and graduated
                                                       from high school
                                                       in Melvin in 1949.
                                                       He joked that his
                                                       favorite subjects
                                                       in school were
                                                       “recess and Math.”
                                                       The Korean War
                                                       broke out in June
             “     n army marches                      1950, and Buzz
                   on its stomach.”           was drafted in October
            ANapoleon recognized              of that year.  He did his          After arriving in Korea,
            in the 18th century, as did       basic training and Infantry        Buzz initially carried a BAR
            every military leader who         training in Ft. Lewis,             (Browning automatic rifle)
            preceded him, that an army        Washington and also worked         for a short time but was soon
            needs a regular                                    in the motor      serving on the front line as
            supply of                                          pool.  Two        a mess cook.  Later, his unit
            food to keep                                       volunteers        was transferred to a prison
            fighting.  In                                      were needed       camp at Koje-do, an island
            the fall of                                        in the            off the southern coast of
            1951, Korean                                       kitchen, so       Korea.  The prison was built
            War veteran                                        Buzz put          into eight compounds and
            Cleveland                                          in to be a        was designed to hold 700-
            “Buzz”                                             cook. He          1,200 men apiece but was
            McMillan was                                       eventually        soon filled to five times their
            “close to the                                      wound up          capacity. Buzz recalls talking
            front lines and                                    being a mess      to some of the prisoners -
            had to feed                                        sergeant for      “one was only 14 and one
            120-130 men                                        Co. G, 38th       was 15 – these were just
            three meals                                        Regiment,         kids.”
            per day” - not                                     2nd Infantry
            an easy task                                       Division.

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