Page 126 - Senior Link Magazine Fall 2018- Online Magazine
P. 126
This is the last article in our series entitled “Daughters of the Pioneers”. See the previous three
issues online for the others.
was an only child for the USO, wore out several pairs of
seven years until her shoes and now, as a result, have one
he energetic and brother arrived. When broken down arch, but it was great
vivacious Bobbye he was two months fun!”
TShaw admits to old, their mother died The young coed spent a lot of time
being 92 years of age. But of pneumonia. It was in at the Wesley Foundation - a new
she is definitely not old. the middle of the Great Methodist program for college
In her words, “Age is just Depression. But “God students led by Cecil and Faye
a number. It’s actually provided ‘guardian Matthews. “One Sunday evening,
irrelevant - it is what we do angels’ to care for I was helping with refreshments
with our lives that counts.” us in the form of an
aunt and uncle who when Faye handed me a tray with a
When Mrs. Shaw recounts her had no children. We grew up on a cup of hot chocolate and said, ‘Take
life, she is much more interested farm south of Lamesa - everybody this over to Rod Shaw.’”
in sharing all the things she has was dirt poor. We had a garden “Who is Rod Shaw?” I asked. She
learned from her experiences, rather with plenty to share and were pointed to a man in a Naval Air
than describing the details of her able to barter for other needs. We Corps uniform. “As I got closer, I
story. experienced the Dust Bowl, Black stumbled on his foot and poured the
Sunday and other hardships, but
She was born in the home of her we had a wonderful childhood in hot chocolate on his lap. Years later,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John the Five Mile Community, ten miles he always concluded that story with
E. Lawler, in Lamesa, Texas and south of Lamesa.” the line, “It wasn’t my heart that
was strangely warmed!’”
Bobbye Bockman attended a Bobbye graduated with a degree
three-room country school until in Spanish from Texas Tech and
6th grade, when they moved to then obtained a graduate degree
town. She graduated from Lamesa (including
High School at age 16, then thesis) from
went straight to Texas Tech. the University
It was “a whole new world! of Iowa in nine
I lived with two different months. She
aunts during those four was on full
years, walked to Tech twice scholarship and
a day and worked two jobs worked in the
while enjoying the collegiate dorm for room
experience. It was the WWII and board. Her
period, and all the men were first teaching
off at war. There were 4,000 job was at SMU
students at Texas Tech and where Rod was
90% were female. I joined the finishing law
dance group, The Hubbettes at school. They
126 Lubbock Senior Link