Page 54 - Senior Link Magazine Summer 2018- Online Magazine
P. 54


                                              “Dearest Harper . . .

                                              Love, Grammar”

                                              A Grandparenting Idea

                                               BY MARILYN GARRETT

         Harper has been a surprise           imagination with images of a race   story.  There were letters about how
         grandbaby, arriving when I am        car driver; a dad who made up       musical her family is and all the
         in my late 60’s.  She’s a one and    stories for his little girl about an   exciting plans they have for her.
         only for my surgeon-daughter –       imaginary, life-like aardvark; a man   Older, step-brothers play the cello
         and she is one more chance for       who loved mechanics and singing     and the viola, so she is destined for
         me to be a grandmother.  The role    and travel and the Lord.  The letter   the violin!
         of grandmother is very special       arrived with a little stuffed aardvark
         and influential.  It is a time when   with a big pink bow.               That was followed by a gift of
         one may have more time to pour                                           3 books – one on words, one on
         into a child – and more patience                                         numbers, and one on science
         and wisdom.  But when Harper                                             (I guess worms are considered
         was born, I was more aware than                                          science) – and I told her all about
         ever that time is truly fleeting,                                        her grandmother being a teacher
         and I surely could not necessarily                                       and that she would learn so many
         count on being with her into her                                         things, that her curriculum would
         adulthood. I promptly retired!                                           be so varied, the world so big and
         I am, by nature and career, a teacher
         and a writer.  So, even before Harper   Next was the letter describing her   Then there was the Tea Party book,
         was born, I launched into my new     birth – and all the excitement in   and a description of my childhood
         relationship with her . . . via letters.    our family.  I told her all about her   and having tea parties.  I still
         On paper encircled with red roses,   family members and how perfectly    have the tea set that belonged to
         I began, “Dearest Harper . . . “.    she would complete our clan.  And,   my mother – a thick, dark, shiny
         Thus began a series – all the things   of course, she got a letter entitled   magenta set that Harper will inherit
         I would want to say to her should    “What’s in a Name?”  I wanted to    one day.
         I not be here later.  It would be a   describe to her how significant her
         legacy encircled with the red roses   name is and why her mommy and      There was the Mother Goose letter
         of love.                             daddy chose it.  It arrived with a   – all about poetry and verse and
                                              tiny gold box in the shape of a harp.  memorization and . . . the travel
         I began the story by telling her about                                   letter about “Oh, the Places You Will
         her granddad – my late husband       Her first “holiday” was Valentine’s   Go!”  Of course, those arrived with
         and the one grandparent she would    Day, so I wanted her to know        the appropriate books also.
         never meet.  I tried to fill her future   all about her grandparents’ love

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