Page 78 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 78


                                                   FROM PRAIRIE

                                                   TO PROSPERITY

                Dixie Barron                                               by Dixie Barron and Jane Bromley

            ust before the turn of the last   was spent out on the open prairie   My father drove to Lubbock each
          Jcentury, Rufus Finch was born      as a chuckwagon cook for the cattle   weekend to see her. When I was
          in Denison, Texas to George         drives. Rufus was my father.        born, my mother and I stayed in
          Washington and Narcios Delia                                            Lubbock for a month before moving
          Finch. Rufus’ father worked for the   He acquired the nickname “Bow”    back to Tatum in February 1940. My
          railroad, and the family followed   because he once used the bows from   early years were happily spent on
          the jobs all the way to Tahoka,     the wagon to build a fire to cook   a ranch with a cow, a horse, a dog
          Texas. Little Rufus attended schools   supper for the cowboys on the cattle   and some sheep as my playmates.
          in Old Glory, Haskell, Gillespie and   drive from Tatum to Roswell.     One of my favorite memories is
          Aspermont, Texas. When he finished   He worked as a rancher and cowboy   of Daddy taking me to Tatum to
          the sixth grade, he went to work    for a long time before meeting my   “The Sweet Shop” for ice cream. I
          on a ranch north of Tahoka. He      mother. It came as a surprise to    remember him singing me songs
          later moved to Tatum, New Mexico    many when he asked her to marry     like “Jack o’ Diamonds” and “The
          where he worked for Russ and        him and move from Hubbard, Texas    Cattle Call Song”.
          Bill Anderson - two brothers who    all the way to Tatum. He was 43,
          owned several ranches. He lived in   she was 42, and neither had been   When I was five years old, he took
          a half dugout, and most of his time   married. Two years later, my dad   a job with Atlantic Refining Oil
                                                                                  Company, and we moved to Denver
                                              got a small house about 15 miles    City, Texas. It was so much fun
                                              northeast of Tatum near Ranger      for me to live in town where there
                                              Lake. His wife was expecting, and   were other children to play with.
                                              she did not want to live in a half   Some of my first friends were Judy
                                              dugout with a small baby.           Wyatt and Sharon Kidd. We went

                                              My mother Zelma (Murphy) Finch      to all 12 grades together in Denver
                                              got a room in a boarding house in   City. After graduation, Judy and
                                              Lubbock close to the hospital, when   I came to Lubbock to Draughon’s
                                              it was time for the baby to come.   Business College. I then moved back
                                                                                  to Denver City and married my

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