Page 83 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 83

book, Joel wrote about that time.    At church one Sunday, Joel and Betsy   Joel and Betsy don’t see themselves
        “When someone asked me how it was    heard about a little boy who was    as extraordinary. They just know
        going, I would say that I could do a   about to be turned over to the foster   that God gave them the desire to
        million things, but it was the million   care system. They already had eight,   love children. “It’s not about how
        and one that became difficult.”      and Baby Joelie was only six months   many you have,” Joel says. “It’s
                                             old, but the couple knew this child   about spending time with them. It’s
        In the meantime, Betsy, having       was for them. Another love story    not easy, but that’s okay. It is a lot
        passed her 32nd birthday, began      opened when 7-year-old Cameron      of work, but it’s worth it. (Loving
        to doubt if the Lord had marriage    was adopted. Joel said, “It wasn’t our   children) is the most important thing
        and motherhood in her future.        goal to have a large family. We just   you can do.” As they approach their
        Would she ever meet her “Mr.         wanted God to use our family to care   60s, the Tardys agree that they are
        Right”? In 1990, after spending the   for children who needed us.”       finished adding to their family, but
        summer with Crusade in Thailand                                          they continue to care for as many
        and the Philippines, Betsy wrote     The love stories continued to       as they can through ministries
        Joel to acknowledge the one-year     accumulate. Joel and Betsy described   like Faithful Heart Foundation in
        anniversary of Angie’s death and ask   the logistical challenges of not only   Thailand.
        how he and the boys were doing.      raising a lot of children but also of
        He didn’t respond immediately - in   doing it well. Many times, at the end   Their faith is obvious, and they attest
        fact, it was several months before   of the day, they might be exhausted,   to that. The love they have comes
        he wrote back. But then a season     but someone would need help with    from God, and He lives in them and
        of friendly letter writing began.    homework or just want to talk. Those   through them.  They would say that’s
        They had known each other since      of us who have had teenagers know   the most important Love Story of
        college, but he was her good friend’s   what that is like, but when you   all, and the one out of which all the
        husband; she was his wife’s good     have 12 children, it gets quite a bit   others have grown.
        friend. However, the relationship    more complicated. Staying up until
        blossomed, and after “accidentally”   2 a.m. can be draining if it happens
        being in Dallas at the same time, they   too often. When
        had a first date. Love Story #2 began.   asked how much
        Betsy went home to Albuquerque,      sleep he gets,
        but the two continued to get to know   Joel answers,       better
        each other on a deeper level through   “Enough.”
        long, expensive phone calls. One                           water.
        of the questions Betsy remembers     A few years later,
        Joel asking was, “How do you feel    their daughter
        about big families?” and whether     Kasey was born
        or not she was open to adoption.     with Down’s            $10
        They seemed to agree on everything,   Syndrome. Betsy
        except that Betsy remarks, “By big   had somehow
        family, I thought he meant four or   prepared herself       per month
        five children.”                      for that news and
                                             knew immediately      for first 3 months
        They were engaged for seven weeks    that the family
        before marrying in July, 1991. It    would adopt a
        had been two years since Angie       child with Down’s,    Limited time offer.
        had passed, and “Look what God       too. Another          Dealer participation varies.
        had done!” Betsy exclaimed.  She     love story began
        immediately became Mom to Daniel,    when little Caleb
        Kirk and Evan. Baby Kristi was born   was welcomed
        - then Breanna, David, Emily and     into their home.
        Joelie. The two-bedroom house got    Regina, a young
        crowded in a hurry, so Joel converted   teenager, who
        the garage to a bedroom and the      needed a home
        carport to an art studio because, by   and a family, was
        this time, his portraits were attracting   the last to arrive.
        favorable attention.

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