Page 77 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 77
book, Live CAREfully. In his for several
inspirational autobiography, he months and was Are you or someone you CALL TODAY
encourages others with disabilities isolated from my know turning 65? 806.781.3904
not to feel sorry for themselves, but friends. Instead
rather to embrace life because you of taking into
only get one. He inspires them to consideration If you have
strive for their dreams and attack the hardships Medicare questions,
those difficult challenges, bringing of others, I felt
out the gifts that lie within them. sorry for myself. We have answers.
One quote in his speech stood out I believed that
from everything else. “When you nothing good
have a goal, you do what you need was going to
to do - persist! Fall in love with come out of it all,
the difficult! Have determination. and there was mattered in life is what I thought
If you set a goal, you’re ahead of nothing special about me. Going of myself. I needed to stop feeling
the game.” With his inspirational on five years of being in remission, sorry for myself and who I was
speech, I was able to look at life I continued to believe that there as a person and start embracing
from a different perspective. was nothing extraordinary about the life I live. If Jerry can go
me. I didn’t have through life, running marathons
When I was 12 hidden talents
years old, I was that would and climbing mountains while on
diagnosed with inspire others for crutches, then I can get through
B-cell deficiency, years to come, high school. Looking at the world
lymphoblastic, but listening from a different perspective has
non-Hodgkin’s to Jerry’s story caused determination to rise up
lymphoma. I truly inspired in me. With one semester left in
endured multiple me. He taught my senior year, I refuse to take it
surgeries, me that it didn’t for granted, but rather to cherish
removing matter what every moment. Many dreams are
cancerous lymph other people building in my mind, and I plan to
nodes. Due to thought about turn them into realities.
this, I was unable me. What
to attend school
Article Submitted by
Courtney Reed
Courtney is the 17-year-old daughter of Billy and Destiny Reed. She has two older
brothers, Mark who is married to Katie and lives in Lubbock, and Bradley, who
attends West Texas A & M in Canyon, Texas. She attends Littlefield High School,
where she is an honor student, member of NHS, Senior Class Vice President, and
President of the Student Council. She is active in Varsity Basketball, cross country
and track (where she has been to regionals for the 800 the last 3 years). Courtney
plans on attending West Texas A & M University in the fall and majoring in Pediatric
Oncology Nursing and eventually becoming a Physician’s Assistant.
Lubbock Senior Link 77