Page 30 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 30

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          Senior                Senior

                                                                                 A Simple



                                                                                  by Nicholas Watson

                ooking back on my             my 8 cousins, each of whom is 5-15   passed down to me their philosophy
                childhood, I’d be hard-       years older than I. Attempting to   of frugality, a sort of bushido
         Lpressed to think of very many       start conversations was a nightmare.  code that’s always stuck with me
          examples of it being drastically                                        ever since I was young. This creed
          different from that which is        However, secondly, and more         takes on many forms, whether it
          considered “normal.” However,       importantly, being part of a more   be cleaning my plate every time
          there is one factor of my life which   mature family has molded my      I go out to eat, being very stingy
          I can proudly say is unique, in     character, ethics and even tastes. As   whenever I go shopping, or refusing
          contrast to most of my peers, which   an example, I grew up listening to   to upgrade any device of mine until
          definitely has had a noticeable effect   bands like the Eagles, Journey, and   I absolutely must (I can probably
          on me as I grew up. That factor is   the Bee Gees on my mom’s old CDs   count on one hand how many
          my family, or more specifically, my   that she used to play for me when   phones/tablets I’ve gone through in
          being part of an older family. Unlike   I was a child. Consequently, classic   my lifetime).
          many, I was born fairly late into my   rock became and continues to be my
          parents’ lives, my dad being 46 and   favorite genre of music.          Finally, because they have
          my mom 38 at the time of my birth.   Then there’s the matter of my      experienced more of life than others
                                                                                  with children my age, my parents
                                              distinct variety of social skills, which
          I have drawn two main conclusions                                       have been able to imbue wisdom
          from having older parents, both of   I am almost certain I inherited    into me regarding the many facets of
          which have greatly impacted my      directly from my parents, having    adulthood and the world in general.
          past, present and future. First of   grown up in an environment         They’ve taught me that you “reap
          all, attending family reunions can   surrounded by my family members    what you sow”, and that it is those
          be fairly awkward. Words cannot     and their older friends. I find now   who are willing to put the most time
          accurately convey how mortified     that I usually have an easier time   and effort into what they love who
          I felt as a kid when my aunt and    talking with older adults than I do   make the greatest difference in the
          uncles would come visit us, and I   with people my own age.             world. They have taught me always
          was grouped together with any of    My mother and father have also      to listen before I speak so I won’t

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