Page 26 - Senior Link Magazine Spring 2018 - Online Magazine
P. 26
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Senior Senior
and Best
by Emilee Acevedo
ost people have someone make sure the houses were spotless
in their lives with whom while I, impatient and unaware of
Mthey can laugh and share her hard work, watched TV and
secrets, or go shopping or to church asked her to please hurry, so we
with. For me, it has always been my could go get chicken strips from
great aunt, Maria Elena. United Supermarket. I remember the
summers I spent at her house. She
Maria Elena Gaona is my taught me how to swim in her pool,
grandfather’s sister and my mother’s ride my bike, and even took me to
aunt. My parents both work get ice cream on hot days. Looking
fulltime, so while I was growing up, back at those times, I realize how
Maria Elena looked after me. As a early our bond was established and
young child, I could not pronounce how strong it has remained.
her name, so I came up with Melana,
a mistake which would be pointless Throughout elementary school,
to correct now, since I’ve called Melana was the best chaperone on
her this for so many years. Melana field trips. She attended multiple
never had any children of her own, school events which my parents
so my brothers and I were perfect could not. She brought the best drove me to middle school almost
candidates to be spoiled as if we snacks for my third-grade class every day. She listened to my
were her grandchildren. practically every day. In fact, our complaints about having to wake up
class made her a special award for
As a small child, I went with her to thoughtfulness because the snacks early to go to school and encouraged
the houses she cleaned every week, were so healthy. That same year me that it was worth it. To this
while my brothers were in school Melana moved in with our family day, she still comes to visit me in
and my parents were working. She to help out around the house. She high school and reminds me that
would diligently work for hours to graduation is around the corner. She
26 Lubbock Senior Link
Lubbock Senior Link