Page 60 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
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if they were to truly gifts to those coming behind
move forward. He also them. As a thoughtful father,
longed to share their Gerald continues to encourage
exceptional talent with their journey as performers and
the wonderful residents mentors to their students.
of Lubbock and the
surrounding area, as well Four productions are staged
as find other talent lying each summer at the Moonlight
dormant in folks around Musicals Amphitheater, where
town. Gerald continues Gerald’s vision began, including
to create moments of a Children’s Theatre production.
exuberance and thrill Three Broadway level
when the audience is productions are staged at the
transported beyond Lubbock Memorial Civic Center
Lubbock, Texas, and the Theatre each fall and winter.
performers revel in the Additional outreach groups
fulfillment that is brought include Moonlight Directions, a
by the knowledge that tremendous high school show
they, individually and troupe led by Annie and Travis
collectively, have made Burge, featuring top performers
the moment incredible. from many area high schools.
With Gerald at the helm, This incredible group of students
Lubbock Moonlight produce the Children’s Theatre
new opera/musical director in Musicals is quickly production each summer, as well
1998, I knew after hearing Gerald becoming a well-respected as fall and spring performances,
audition that there could be no regional theater, drawing visitors and USO style concerts at the
one better for the position! One to Lubbock and making Lubbock Silent Wings Museum every
year later, he asked me to sing remember, once again, that its other year in celebration of
the role of Sir John Falstaff in talent pool is par excellence. D-Day. The Moonlight Arts
the opera, ‘The Merry Wives of Academy offers classes to youth
Windsor’. Not only did Gerald What started out as a fledgling and adults in music, acting and
‘direct’, but he showed emotion company, weak and uncertain of dance. Taught by well-skilled
AND true passion for the the future, Lubbock Moonlight teachers, Mariann Davidson,
musical work and the performers Musicals now has become Frank Rendon, and Maddie
under his tutelage on that stage! established in the hearts of Bryan, the academy is one more
Twenty years later, he continues many. As any business that opportunity for individuals to
to grace the folks of the South experiences growth, Lubbock improve their skills for the stage.
Plains with his outstanding Moonlight Musicals has now
talents . . . not only at Texas employed a staff to allow for Giving opportunities to
Tech, but for Lubbock Moonlight year-round productions. Gerald performers of almost every
Musicals, which he founded in has offered full-time positions level, outstanding vocalists,
2006.” to highly gifted performers, actors and dancers need not
helping them accomplish their leave Lubbock to find fulfilling
Gerald founded Lubbock dreams and build their lives. and challenging roles. Gerald
Moonlight Musicals to give These individuals share Gerald’s continues to drive the company
his students an opportunity vision for Lubbock Moonlight and the cast members to achieve
that he viewed as essential to Musicals and have the ability the next level of excellence. He
their growth as performers— and passion to pass on their has offered individuals, like
60 Lubbock Senior Link