Page 62 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 62
Joel Tankersley
A Heart
for Service
by Becky Critz
Executive Director, High Point Village
“Volunteers do not necessarily have wanted to be outdoors, so the study children and watching them all
the time; they just have the heart.” of seed development and grasses become Christians and productive
(Elizabeth Andrew) was fascinating to this bright young members of society. And according
man. to his daughter, Krista, “His love
If you have ever met “Joel is the nicest for our mother only grew, as their
Joel Tankersley, you At the Baptist family left the nest and started their
know that this quote man ever, and he Student Center at adult lives.”
is more than true for always shakes my Texas Tech, Joel met
him. Joel has a one- hand.” the love of his life, After Joel “retired” in 1997, he
in-a-million servant’s Sallye Lemon. They was not quite sure what he would
heart. Many people married in 1960, do with his time. He found his
and organizations in our area have after college, and he began working calling at Bacon Heights Baptist
benefitted from the heart of this for a seed grower. In 1962 and 1964, Church with the loving people of
servant who always takes the time to Joel and Sallye welcomed their two the “Friends of God Church”. This
serve others. sons, Dean and Jeff. Their daughter, ministry creates a worship and
Krista, was born in 1968. fellowship event the first Friday of
Joel Tankersley was born in each month for Lubbock’s special
Eastland, Texas and moved to The family moved to Ralls, Texas in needs community and those who
Snyder when he was eleven. As a 1969, when Joel became the manager love them. A few years prior, Joel
young boy who enjoyed hunting, of Triumph Seed Company. He had been touched by a family
fishing, and all things outdoors, acquired an interest in the company who was blessed with a son with
Joel was quite dismayed when he in 1971 and took the lead in the
moved to an area where sandstorms development of hybrid seed. Joel
were very common. But in typical expanded the seed and sunflower
“Joel style,” he made the best of the business while employed there. At
situation and spent as much time the request of the US Department of
as he could outdoors, despite the Agriculture, Joel traveled to Spain,
weather. Turkey, India, Italy, Germany,
Mexico, South America and many
After graduating from Snyder other places, guiding others in crop,
High School with many honors, seed, and rice production.
Joel headed to Texas Tech where he
played basketball as a freshman. He Despite Joel’s many
found he was more interested in his accomplishments and honors,
education and began focusing on he will tell you that his greatest
his major, Agronomy. He always achievement has been raising his
62 Lubbock Senior Link