Page 63 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 63
Downs Syndrome. He adored the glorious spirit of this retired—he just
young boy, and Joel was deeply drawn to Jay’s ability found a new line
to love unconditionally. Jay’s life and the support of of work each
his amazing family spoke to Joel in ways he could not time. The job
explain. His heart opened to the great potential for he enjoys the
people with disabilities, and he was eventually led to most, however,
High Point Village. is watching High
Point grow and
For the past ten years, Joel has volunteered at High Point the impact it has
Village, a local nonprofit organization, whose mission is on the lives of
“to create a village where individuals with intellectual Villagers and
disabilities can live, learn, work, worship and achieve their families.”
their full potential.” He has done more to further the When many
mission and ministry of High Point than any other people reach
individual. Joel, one of the original board members, Joel’s place Joel and Sallye Tankersley
served for nine years in that capacity and is currently a in life, they
Board Member Emeritus. He has been very influential may feel they
in making High Point Village the thriving organization are too old to serve or volunteer. Joel is an example
it is today. “We might not be in our current location had to everyone, young and old. He makes a difference in
it not been for Joel’s vision and hard work,” said Brad the community and the lives of anyone with whom he
Pettiet, Board President. “In order to have a facility on comes in contact. Jill Jacobus, who has served with Joel
undeveloped land outside of the city limits, many things at High Point Village and Bacon Heights says, “If you
had to fall into place. Joel was instrumental in making are blessed enough to know Joel, you are truly blessed.
sure we had a working water well, gas, and other Joel lives to serve, and he serves well. He is impacting
utilities.” the community of Lubbock, High Point Village and
individuals with special needs.”
So many needs have been met at High Point Village
because of Joel. He is one of the most effective
ambassadors for this organization. Never asking for
money or things, Joel just tells the “High Point story”,
and he can touch the heart of anyone.
There is no job too large or too small for Joel. He has
been found on the roof fixing a leak, using the weed- Our mission is to create a village where individuals with
eater on the property, spraying for ants and weeds, intellectual disabilities can live, learn, work, worship and
changing lights, or helping clean up. He never seeks achieve their full potential.
thanks or recognition.
His attendance at nearly every event at High Point thrills
the “Villagers”, who are very aware of his genuine love
for them. Joel knows each of them by name and asks
about things of interest to them. He always makes it a
priority to spend time with individuals in the community
of High Point. Villager Bradley Miller said, “Joel is the
nicest man ever, and he always shakes my hand.” Our programs include:
Reach High, an active day
Joel’s heart for service goes beyond High Point Village. program for adults with disabilities
What he does for other individuals is not well known. ages 18 and up.
He may mention in passing that he had been mowing the
yard of a sick relative or taking a neighbor to a doctor’s Afternoon Enrichment Classes
appointment. He can be found each Sunday, and for people with disabilties ages 8
throughout the week, volunteering at his church, and he and up.
also volunteers at Impact Lubbock. Four different summer programs
designed specially for children and
According to his son, Dean, “Dad never officially adults with special needs. • 806.698.0015
Lubbock Senior Link 63