Page 31 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 31
Q. Do you think the internet makes patients skeptical of
doctor advice?
A. The internet is a blessing and a curse when it comes to
health information. Some patients come to my office already
knowing what is wrong with them and the treatment they
need–and you can’t tell them any differently. While it is
true that patients are more knowledgeable about their
own health and ask a lot more questions about treatment
options, I want each patient to have the knowledge they
need to make the evidence-based health decisions that are
right for them.
Oftentimes, online medical advice can be incorrect or
Q. Prescription medication is important for everything even harmful, depending on the source. Patients can’t
from treating infections to controlling chronic conditions and shouldn’t try to diagnose themselves. If patients are
like diabetes and heart disease. Why do some people forego going to be skeptical of the advice of a trained, experienced
taking the drugs their doctor has prescribed? physician, they should be far more skeptical of health
information posted on a forum or found on random
A. First and foremost is cost. Affordability of care is a real websites.
problem in America, and insurance companies sometimes
do not cover the prescribed medications, or only a portion The bottom line is that, regardless of what’s available
of them. Unfortunately, a lot of people do not follow online, everyone needs a trusted physician as their partner
through with prescription medications because they can’t in health. The stronger and more trusted a relationship is
pay for them out-of-pocket. If the cost is too high, many between a doctor and patient, the more likely the doctor’s
people will go without the medication they need in order to advice will be followed.
avoid sacrificing something else.
To find a primary care physician, call (806) 725-6421.
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Lubbock Senior Link 31