Page 27 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 27

learning condition. They traveled to Dallas and        student-athletes as a center of support for achieving
        explored schools designed to teach students with       their academic goals and preparing for a post-
        dyslexia and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder   collegiate life after sports. Accommodations include
        (ADHD). In the fall of 2009, the determined mothers    a computer lab, instructional classrooms, and
        opened a similar                                                             private study and conference
        private school in                                                            spaces for tutoring sessions.
        Lubbock, just in                                                             The Center also houses the
        time for Chase’s                                                             Texas Tech Academic Hall
        and Alex’s seventh-                                                          of Fame, recognizing those
        grade year. And                                                              athletes who excel in sports
        since Marsha knew                                                            and academics.
        a thing or two about
        being “teachable,”                                                           Excel they do. In the 2016-
        the boys decided to                                                          2017 Texas Tech Academic
        name the school in                                                           Honors and Achievements
        her honor—Sharp                                                              Year in Review, 70 student-
        Academy.                                                                     athletes were named to the
                                                                                     President’s List, 121 to the
        This not-for-profit,   Marsha with Chase and Lisa Stane at The Sharp Academy  Dean’s List, and 88 earned
        Christian-based                                                              Academic All-Big 12 honors.
        school features classes limited to six to eight        Five sports (Men’s Golf, Women’s Basketball,
        students, allowing teachers to provide one-on-one      Women’s Cross-Country, Women’s Golf, and
        instruction tailored to a child’s specific learning    Women’s Tennis) boast a 100% graduate success
        needs. Chase and Alex graduated in May 2015 with       rate. And while this is no doubt a team effort,
        three other seniors, and all five were accepted into   Marsha’s initial financial treasure paved the path.
        universities, cumulatively collecting over 90 credit
        hours and over $100,000 in scholarships.               What I love most about Marsha is, regardless of
                                                               the national recognition and numerous awards,
        Marsha serves as Advisory Board Chairperson,           she’s still one of us—a good ol’ West Texas gal
        contributing a love and passion for educating          with a heart for bumper cotton crops and Sunday
        Lubbock’s youth, particularly the underserved          morning church services, and for championing
        population. In this role, she’s still recruiting       the underserved in education, healthcare, and
        those who are talented and who, in the right           everything in between. For tirelessly devoting her
        environment, become teachable.                         time, treasure and talents to the betterment of West
                                                               Texas and the Lubbock community, it’s safe to say,
        TREASURE                                               she’s the treasure.

        Many a Lady Raider alum will tell you that             When my daughter Emily was about six months
        Marsha cared about their successes on the court        old, we ran into Coach Sharp at Market Street. At
        just as much as off. As testament, she can tell        home later that night, my husband and I discussed
        you where many of her players are today, what          the day’s events, including my brief encounter with
        industry they work in, and which sports their          Marsha. I recapped my childhood memories of
        children are playing. She was instrumental in          Coach Sharp and expressed my admiration for her
        guiding their athletic and professional lives. Coach   dedication to Carillon and so many other worthy
        Sharp felt Texas Tech could improve the off-court      organizations. The next day, we went out and
        development of its student-athletes so much that, in   bought a goal and basketball for our 6-month old
        1998, she gifted $100,000 as the lead donation in a    prodigy. Emily doesn’t know it yet, but she’ll be a
        campaign to build such a center.                       Lady Raider someday. At the very least, one of their
                                                               biggest fans. And no doubt, a Marsha Sharp fan,
        In 2004, the Marsha Sharp Center for Student-          too.
        Athletes became a reality. It serves over 400

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