Page 26 - Senior Link Magazine Winter 2017- Online Magazine
P. 26


                                          following year,      Today, it would be hard to find a local school, civic
                                          her courtside        group or book club that Marsha hasn’t visited as
                                          reign began.         a guest speaker, and her calendar remains just as
                                          During the next      full in October 2017. That month, Marsha and I
                                          24 years, Coach      sat together at Carillon’s board meeting, where
                                          Sharp would          she shared that she’d attended two speaking
                                          grow the Lady        engagements on three consecutive days that week.
                                          Raider program       We laughed that Carillon’s retirees were right—it
                                          into one of the      was possible to be busier in retirement than during
                                          most admired         your working years.
                                          and respected in
                                          the country.         Marsha has given her time to Carillon for the last
                                                               ten years, serving on the Board of Directors, and
                                          Marsha retired       as a spokesperson for the retirement community,
                                          at the end of        championing its LifeCare program, and I’m Still
          Photo Credit: Design Envy       the 2005-2006        Here™ memory care program. Many residents now
                                          season and           living at Carillon traveled with the team as Lady
         accepted a role as Associate Athletics Director       Raider “super fans,” so it was a memorable event
         for Special Projects,  focusing her efforts on        to shoot a commercial with Marsha “coaching” a
         developing Texas Tech’s student-athletes both on      team of residents acting as basketball players. The
         and off the court. Over the last ten years, she has   relationship with Carillon also gives Marsha the
         served more national and local organizations than     opportunity to honor the memory of her father,
         is possible to list here. A select few include the    Charles and coaching colleague Pat Summit, both of
         Kay Yow Cancer Fund/Play4Kay, the Talkington          whom battled Alzheimer’s disease.
         Leadership Academy, Women’s Protective Services,
         the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association, the       TALENT
         American Cancer Society’s Coaches vs. Cancer
         Advisory Board, and the Lubbock’s Young               Marsha often said recruiting talented, teachable
         Women’s Christian Association. In the philanthropy    players was one of the most important aspects of
         industry, it’s common to hear a request for one’s     winning games and building success on the court.
         time, talent or treasure. But it’s not nearly as      In 2007, she met Chase Stane, a young man with a
         common for one to give all three, or at least as often   learning disorder, told he would never read or be
         as does Marsha Sharp.                                 on grade level because he was “unteachable.”

         TIME                                                  Chase’s mom, Lisa Stane, recruited fellow mom,
                                                               Tracy Weatherly, whose son Alex also had a
         In 2004, Marsha and sister-in-law, Emily Sharp
         co-authored Tall Enough To Coach: Elements
         of Leadership of Coaching and Life. The book
         features an intermittent collection of photos; my
         personal favorites include a set taken of Marsha’s
         appointment calendar. The first photo is of March
         1993, the calendar sparsely updated with the
         basketball schedule and only one appointment. The
         second photo shows April 1993. In clean, all-caps
         handwriting, Marsha has only “FINAL 4” written
         on each day through April 4. By the end of the
         month, there are no less than 3-5 engagements per
         day: “AMBUCS,” “LA VENTANA,” “KLBK,” and
         another personal favorite, “PANCAKES.”
                                                                Photo Credit: Design Envy

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